
See Bobot stats on Discord and dedicated WWW page!

Primary LanguagePHP

First things first...

This integration is for Bobot maintainers and AGH UST students

Supported web servers


Works right out-of-the-box


You need to add following lines to Your Nginx config:

location /path/to/bobot {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /path/to/bobot/index.php$is_args$args;

How to use?

  1. Clone this repo or download it. Also configure Discord webhook.
  2. Enter the necessary data in the configuration file (without message URL)
  3. Upload integration files to Your public server. Remember to change permissions of bobot.json (chmod a+w bobot.json).
  4. Create logs/ directory with correct permissions (chmod 777 logs/).
  5. Send message via webhook. To do that, use following URL: http://your-server.com/path/to/bobot/?ANTISPAM_KEY&message=YOUR_MESSAGE. Replace ANTISPAM_KEY with the one from Your configuration.
  6. From Discord, copy Bobot's message ID (You'll probably need developer mode enabled) and update Your configuration. You may test it using ReqBin and sample.json
  7. Configure Bobot HTTP request (or ask maintainers for it) - send HTTP POST request with application/json data to http://your-server.com/path/to/bobot/?ANTISPAM_KEY
  8. You can access Bobot website using http://your-server.com/path/to/bobot/results. See config.php for more URLs.


Does this integration change how Bobot works?

No, it's only an interface to make Bobot speak on Your Discord server. So You can't send modified GRADE.md to Your GitLab repository or make Bobot change Your grade.

Do I have to change default webhook name and avatar?

No, this integration automatically sets webhook name to Bobot and uses it's avatar.

Will it spam on my Discord server?

No, this integration will edit it's message, so the best practice is to make a separate channel for it (e.g. #bobot-is-a-bot).

Can I send messages as Bobot?

Yes, use HTTP GET message like above to send messages as Bobot. This one can be used by maintainers to communicate with students about Bobot's issues. To mention user, include <@USER_ID> in Your message, to mention role, use <@&ROLE_ID>. Remember to encode Your message (You may use urlencode() in PHP).




