
Primary LanguagePython

step to set up node

prequisition #1:

  • Prepare 4 config folder with files (config.docker, genesis.block, node(n).priv, node(n).pub, root@sorakh.priv, root@sorakh.pub)
  • the differentiation between these 4 folders is node(n).pub and node(n).priv

configuration #2:

  • config genesis block

    • adding peer to of all node with address(container name with default port 10001 from config.docker file) and peer key( node(n) public key )
    • create default domain (sorakh)
    • create default asset (khr and usd with domain sorakh)
    • create root user (with root@sorakh.pub key)
    • append admin and money_creator role to root user( user role is already appended by default domain role)
  • create docker file with postgres

  • mount volume with any host machine folder to store block


docker-compose up -d

Install Server Dependency

Note: you must have python 3 install your machine

  • set up Iroha module pip3 install -r requirement.txt --user

Run Server

python3 app.py Note: only three default account supported (root@sorakh, alice@sorakh, bob@sorakh)