

Primary LanguageR

Posit Team & R

Posit Workbench

Posit Package Manager

Posit Connect is a publishing platform for the work your team creates in R and Python.

This repository contains examples of R content, including:

Interactive apps

Web APIs



Getting Started

You can deploy examples from this repo to your Connect server via git-backed deployment, or clone the repository and deploy examples using push-button publishing or from their manifests with the rsconnect CLI.

If you want to explore an example more closely before deploying it:

  • Clone this repository
  • Navigate the working directory to the desired example, for example with setwd("./shiny-penguins")
  • Restore the needed packages from the renv lock file after setting your repository to the appropriate source
options(repos = c(CRAN = "https://p3m.dev/cran/latest"))


Bike share

The "mega" bike share demo:

Want to add an example?

Awesome! The requirements are:

  1. Use renv so that the package versions are recorded
  2. Create the manifest.json file to support git-backed publishing