JAVA Market Data Feed Simulator that publishes JSON prices to Solace in a random interval
To build the JAR you could either import the GRADLE project on a JAVA IDE, or build it using the included Gradle Wrapper
./gradlew jar
⚠️ Or gradlew.bat on Windows
That command should generate a MarketDataFeedhandler.jar file on the root folder
In order to run the simulator you need to specify the following configuration parameters:
- -h = Solace Broker DNS or IP
- -v = Name of the VPN to connect to
- -u = Solace user to connect to the Broker
- -p = Solace user password
- -e = ID of the Simulated Exchange (will be part of the Topic)
- -i = .properties file containing the symbol tickers and their initial prices to be used (look at the example on /config/
./java -jar MarketDataFeedhandler.jar -h -v Sol_VPN -u Sol_User -p Sol_PWD -e NYSE -i ./
Multiple simulators can be run in paralell (with different config parameters) if you need to simulate multiple exchanges. If using a linux session, simply run them as "background" process