
Arduino based car controller

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ESP8266 Car Controller

A simple web based controller app for the ESP8266 Car Fleet.

Quick Start

Update the broker details in src/scripts/index.js for your broker:

            url: "wss://mr1u6o37qn55r9.messaging.solace.cloud:8443",
            vpnName: "hackathon-car-demo",
            userName: "solace-cloud-client",
            password: "cm6uqak4r3lubmarfh10mfh357"

Build the docker container:


Run the docker container:


Navigate to http://localhost:8080


npm install

Start Dev Server

npm start

Build Prod Version

npm run build


Allows you to choose the car you want to control, or "All" to send to all cars.

Send messages to driver/${carId} in the format:

  "type": "[spinout|reverse|slowdown|wheelbroken]",
  "duration": 1000

Where type is one of the listed effects and duration is in milliseconds.