Basic secure MQTT examples for TLS and certificate authentication using the Paho mqttv3 client library. I created this because a saw many Paho MQTT samples but very few addressed TLS and secure links.
These samples require an MQTT Event Broker that supports TLS and client certificate authentication like a Solace PubSub+ Event Broker. You should have a server certificate installed and access to the CA-Certificate that signed your server certificate.
Samples are provided in the resources
directory but these are
just for unit-testing. They will not work in your environment
because they lack a server signed by the sampleCA and matching
that server's FQDN.
The java code is built via maven, recommend producing an all-in-one jar with dependencies for easier commandline execution:
bash% mvn clean compile assembly:single
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
bash% java -jar target/tls-mqtt-examples-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
ARGS: <connection-string> <username> <password> <ca-cert-file> <keystore-file> <keystore-password>
For example: ssl://localhost:8883 mqttclient $up3r$3cr3t resources/sampleCA.pem resources/mqttclient.keystore mq77rul35
A basic TLS test that uses a CA-cert to connect to a server and establish a valid secure TLS session.
A TLS test that uses a CA-cert to connect to a server and establish a valid secure TLS session, and a client certificate to authenticate to that server. The client certificate must be signed by a valid Certificate Authority known by the server.
For details about how to install a CA certificate to a Solace broker see this documentation.
The python code was tested in Linux environments, so the scripts
aren't tested on Windows. All scripts are in src/main/python/
They all execute the sample pub/sub loop of 10 messages, but ramp
up in setup complexity.
All examples hardcode variables and arguments within the scripts. Change them to your environment and configurations.
A basic connectivity, no TLS or certificates required. Good for validating your basic setup.
TLS connectivity with server-checks, so you need to have a MQTT Event Broker that supports TLS with a valid server-certificate installed.
Full TLS connectivity with client certificate authentication. Requires an MQTT Event Broker that supports client certificate authentication.
Note there's also a blog post on that walks through creating a CA and client certificate, then using it to connect to Solace.