
🔥🚀 Here you will find all the materials required for a fresher front-end interview. 💡📚 A list of helpful front-end related questions, answers, notes, blog, video, code example 🎁 You can take interview preparation as a potential candidate and test yourself. 💣

Frontend Interview Preparation for Interns & Junior Developers 📚

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Special Thanks ❤️ to those, whose contributions have been shared here and those who are contributing here.

💎 Interview Preparation Process

🛸 HTML & CSS Basic Practice

🛰️ HTML & CSS Top Questions & Answers

🔥 Javascript Basic Practice

🎯 Javascript Top Questions & Answers

🔮 React.js Basic Practice

🏆 React.js Top Questions & Answers

🎁 Frontend Interview Questions & Answers

💺 Backend Interview Questions & Answers

📺 Computer Science Interview Questions & Answers

🎀 Behavioral Interview Questions & Answers

🎊 Mock Interview Examples

🎉 Interview Experience & Recruitment Stories

🚀 Contributing

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