
Install passbolt on Ubuntu using Ansible.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


This ansible script installs Passbolt and MariaDB container on Ubuntu.

Supported OS:

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS



Azure Blob Storage

Azure CLI should be installed on the host where Passbolt and MariaDB is installed and Azure Blob Storage should be created on Azure.

It is a possibility to upload backup to all cloud providers at one time, to do that those programs: azure CLI, s3cmd, boto3 must be installed on the host where Passbolt and MariaDB is installed.

NOTE: S3CMD and boto3 are installed during installation process.


On host where Passbolt and MariaDB will be installed, ssh port should be enabled.


In inventory.ini, set IP, user, password, ssh port or ssh_key on where Passbolt and MariaDB should be installed.
If ssh_key is used, comment password.
If password is used, comment ssh_key.





In inputs.yml, set:

# Select deployment type: greenfield / brownfied.
deployment: greenfield

# Select if Passbolt and MariaDB are installed on one host or seperate.
aio: 0


In group_vars/all/common, set:

_time_zone: Europe/Warsaw           => Set Time Zone.
_mariadb: 1                         => Install MariaDB.
_passbolt: 1                        => Install Passbolt.
_zip_password: {password}           => Set password for .zip files.
_docker_compose_version: 1.29.2     => Install docker-compose.
_restore_from_backup:               => Restore Passbolt and MariaDB from backup during greenfield installation.
   azure: 0                         => Restore from Azure. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
   linode: 0                        => Restore from Linode. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
   aws: 0                           => Restore from AWS. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
_azure_upload: 0                    => Upload to Azure Blob Storage. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
_container_name: {containerName}    => Set Azure Blob Storage container name.
_account_name: {accountName}        => Set Azure Blob Storage account name.
_account_key: {accountKey}          => Set Azure Blob Storage account key.
_linode_upload: 0                   => Upload to Linode Ojbect Storage. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
_linode_bucket: {bucketName}        => Linode Object Storage name.
_linode_access_key: {accessKey}     => Linode Object Storage access key.
_linode_secret_key: {secretKey}     => Linode Object Storage secret key.
_host: {regionName}                 => Linode Object Storage region.
_aws_upload: 0                      => Upload to AWS S3. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
_aws_bucket: {bucketName}           => AWS S3 Bucket name.
_aws_access_key: {accessKey}        => AWS access key.
_aws_secret_key: {secretKey}        => AWS secret key.

Restore from backup

To restore from backup, set 1 in variable azure, linode or aws to choose from where the backup should be downloaded.
If azure is set, enter proper values to the _container_name, _account_name and _account_key.
If linode is set, enter proper values to the _linode_bucket.
If aws is set, enter proper values to the _aws_bucket, _aws_access_key and _aws_secret_key.
Setting 1 into variables: azure, linode and aws at the same time will fail the process of installation.


In group_vars/all/mariadb, set:

_mariadb_net: mariadb_network             => Set MariaDB docker network.
_mariadb_name: mariadb                    => Set MariaDB container and host name.
_mariadb_version: 10.7.1                  => Set MariaDB version.
_mariadb_restore_version: 10.6.5          => Restore MariaDB to given version when brownfield failed.
_mariadb_root_password: {root_password}   => Set MariaDB root password.
_mariadb_password: {password}             => Set MariaDB user password.
_mariadb_username: passbolt               => Set MariaDB user name.
_mariadb_database: passbolt               => Set MariaDB database.
_mariadb_port: 3306                       => MariaDB port.


In group_vars/all/passbolt, set:

_passbolt_net: passbolt_network                             => Set Passbolt docker network.
_passbolt_name: passbolt                                    => Set Passbolt container and host name.
_passbolt_version: 3.3.1-ce                                 => Set Passbolt version.
_passbolt_restore_version: 3.2.1-2-ce                       => Restore Passbolt to given version when brownfield faild.
_app_full_base_url:                       => Passbolt base url.
_email_default_from: somemail@outlook.com                   => From email address.
_email_transport_default_host: smtp.office365.com           => Server hostname.
_email_transport_default_port: "587"                        => Server port.
_email_transport_default_tls: "true"                        => Set tls.
_email_transport_default_username: somemail@outlook.com     => Username for email server auth.
_email_transport_default_password: {password}               => Password for email server auth.
_passbolt_key_name: www-data                                => Key owner name
_passbolt_key_email: somemail@outlook.com                   => Ke owner email address.

More environment variables can be found here

NOTE: _mariadb_root_password, _mariadb_password, _mariadb_username, _mariadb_database and _mariadb_port should be set in brownfield deployment!

How to run:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini install.yml -e "@inputs.yml" --ask-become-pass -vv