
the hateful leetcode playground using python3


  • Yandex February 20 (fail ❌ , graphs, dp)
  • German eco smart house Summer 21 (fail ❌, arrays, dp)
  • Ennabl Irish insurance invoices bigdata Autumn 21 (pass ✅, greedy and number of islands dfs from leetcode)
  • Sporty Group April 22 (pass ✅ , linked lists, count sort kinda problem)
  • Amazon June 22 (fail ❌ , arrays, dp)
  • Microsoft December 22 (fail ❌, easy string, easy array, two med/hard dp, have those here)
  • French tele company January 23 (fail ❌ , two med dp, have those here)
  • Yandex Oct 23, preparing for interview, they sent list of leetcode links, most popular topics, no dp

The way to prepare

ChatGPT can explain better than a human
grind 169 good list of leetcode problems, cover mostly of topics
leetcode patterns 180 a little bit of different list of popular problems
neetcode 442 best site with codebase and the biggest list which is good pool of problems
leetcode post related to dp categories i have issue with dp, so here's list of 200 dp problems
solairerove.github.io my personal pool of problems to prepare


🍀 84 easy
🉑 198 medium
㊗️ 42 hard
total 323

Python 3