
Postman collections for Prisma Cloud

Instructions on how to setup the Postman Collections and Environments relating to Prisma Cloud (including Compute Console) API requests

To use these Collections and Environment, there are a few setup pieces after importing the 3 files into Postman:

  1. Import the 3 files in this repo (2 Collections and 1 Environment) into Postman.

  2. Set the Prisma Cloud API and Console URL in the Postman Environment variable

  3. To get the address/URL for your Console, go to Compute > Manage > System > Downloads, and copy the string under Path to Console The URL should look something like this: https://us-east1.cloud.twistlock.com/us-1-123456789

    1. You will be replacing the compute-api-endpoint variable
  4. Depending on what Admin console you see when you log in will determine which API Endpoint you will use.

    1. The corresponding value below will replace the api-endpoint variable.
Prisma Cloud Admin Console Prisma Cloud API Endpoint
https://app.prismacloud.io https://api.prismacloud.io
https://app2.prismacloud.io https://api2.prismacloud.io
https://app3.prismacloud.io https://api3.prismacloud.io
https://app4.prismacloud.io https://api4.prismacloud.io
https://app.anz.prismacloud.io https://api.anz.prismacloud.io
https://app.eu.prismacloud.io https://api.eu.prismacloud.io
https://app2.eu.prismacloud.io https://api2.eu.prismacloud.io
https://app.gov.prismacloud.io https://api.gov.prismacloud.io
https://app.prismacloud.cn https://api.prismacloud.cn
https://app.ca.prismacloud.io https://api.ca.prismacloud.io
https://app.sg.prismacloud.io https://api.sg.prismacloud.io

The rest of the variables shouldn't need altered, and are either auto-generated or for future or other scenarios.

The below table shows an example of what a completed Environment should look like before generating any JWT tokens

Postman Variable Use Value/Example
api-endpoint Main API endpoint for Prisma Cloud requests api.prismacloud.io
token JWT token auto-generated after the /login request
compute-api-endpoint API endpoint for all things within the Compute tab https://us-east1.cloud.twistlock.com/us-1-123456789
compute-token JWT token auto-generated after the Compute /authenticate request
api-version Used only for the Compute collection for future API versions v1
console-port Used only for self-hosted versions of the Compute Console

Set your access and secret key in the username and password fields in the BODY of the /login and /authenticate requests.

These will be the first 2 requests of both Collections under the Login folder.

  • Prisma Cloud API /login BODY example:

{ "username": "abcde-fghi-jklm-nopq-rstuvwxyz", "password": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9" }

  • There is also an optional parameter to send if you have access to more than 1 Prisma Cloud tenant called customerName, example:

{ "username": "abcde-fghi-jklm-nopq-rstuvwxyz", "password": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9", "customerName": "Company XYZ - 123456" }

  • Prisma Cloud Compute Console /authenticate BODY example:

{ "username": "abcde-fghi-jklm-nopq-rstuvwxyz", "password": "a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9" }

That's it! The Collections are not fully complete, so if you find a request that hasn't been created (or needs updated) please feel free to submit a PR.