
A desktop image filtering app based on Instagram

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular2 and Electron Starter

Angular 2 and electron starter template, built using Electrogram


You will need to have Git and Node.js (5.x and above) + NPM (3.x and above). We generally suggest installing NVM to manage Node versions. Once those are installed, you will need to install the typings NPM package globally. Typings handles the typescript definition files for our application.

Getting started

First you will need to clone the repo; then you can install the necessary NPM packages and run the app.

# Clone the repo and enter it
git clone https://github.com/MhdAljuboori/angular2-electron-starter.git
cd angular2-electron-starter

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Install type definitions
typings install

# To build only
npm run build

# To build and watch for changes
npm run watch

# Start the Electron app
npm start # runs "electron src"

Distributing the app

We've included an NPM script that will build a distrubtion version of the app for OSX. To use it, execute npm run distribute; this will create an OSX app that you can run from your Finder. For more info, check out https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-packager.

The code

Here is a quick overview of the project structure:

 ├──src/                       * contains the electron app script, html file, and all Angular code
 │   │
 │   ├──index.html             * parent HTML page where we include our built javascript files
 │   ├──main.js                * NodeJS script that bootstraps the Electron app
 │   │
 │   ├──app/                   * our Angular app has one "app" component, and this holds all the related code
 │   │   ├──boot.ts            * boot file
 │   │   ├──components         * components folder
 │   │       ├──app.ts         * app component functionality
 │   │
 │   └──assets/                * static assets are served here
 │       ├──css/               * global styles
 │       └──images/            * app logo and icon
 ├──webpack.config.js          * configuration file that Webpack uses to build the app
 ├──tsconfig.json              * config that webpack uses for typescript
 ├──typings.json               * our typings manager
 └──package.json               * what npm uses to manage it's dependencies and scripts


A Sterter template built using Electrogram app.