
Arduino code to control NeoPixel strips using a set color gradient and a PWM input representing robot speed

Primary LanguageC++


Arduino code to control NeoPixel strips using a set color gradient and a PWM input representing robot speed

You can download the AdaFruit NeoPixel dependency library using the Arduino IDE:

  • Does Sketch → Import Library → Library Manager exist? If so:
    1. Open that dialog.
    2. Type "neopixel" into the search box and select the AdaFruit NeoPixel library.
  • If not, you need to (install the library)[http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries ] by hand:
    1. git clone -v https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_NeoPixel.git
    2. Move the Adafruit_NeoPixel folder into ~/sketchbook/libraries (on Linux.)
      • Note that using Sketch → Import Library → Add Library and browsing to the Adafruit_NeoPixel folder accomplishes the same thing.

Compiling without Arduino

The code can compile and run just fine on its own using the standard g++ compiler. Just define the PC_TESTING macro to stub out the Arduino functions and classes:

g++ -DPC_TESTING -x c++ ./sketch_nov09a.ino -o sketch

You should still be able to use Serial.println() to debug color values.