
Sound synthesizer program for an Arduino UNO.

Primary LanguageC++


Designed for the Arduino UNO.

All button pins are active LOW.


  • PIN : Output pin (default: 2)
  • PIN_RECORD : Record button pin (default: 11)
  • PIN_SUB : Subtract button pin (default: 12)
  • PIN_ADD : Add button pin (default: 13)
  • PINS : Keyboard button pins (default: 3 - 10)

Additional Options:

  • frequencies : Stores the absolute Hertz frequencies of the notes. Values higher than 2000 Hz may not play accurately.
  • frequencyMultiplier : Multiplies the frequencies by this value in Hz.
  • frequencyOffset : Offset the frequencies by this value in Hz.
  • dutyCycle : Ratio of output being high to output being low.
  • interval : Minimum amount of time between playing notes.
    • Minimum is about 0.01 for higher notes to play correctly.
    • General formula for whether a note would play correctly: 2 * frequency / interval < clockSpeed

Build Instructions:

  1. Connect PIN to speaker output.
  2. Connect PINS to each keyboard key.
  3. Connect PIN 11 - 13 to extra buttons at the top.

Operating Instructions:

  • PIN_RECORD (11) is the toggle button to record songs.
  • Press both PIN_ADD (13) and PIN_SUB (12) at the same time to play songs. (default plays 8 notes in order)
  • EEPROM saving is automatic when you let go record.
  • Hold both PIN_SUB (12) and PIN_RECORD (11) at the same time for three seconds to clear the EEPROM.

Serial Commands:

  • Basic Commands:
    • play : Plays current song in memory
    • playrec : Alias for play
    • stop : Stops playing any song
    • stoprec : Alias for stop
  • Toggle Commands:
    • printoff : Stops printing every note played to serial
    • printon : Begins printing every note played to serial
    • romoff : Stops automatic saving to rom
    • romon : Begins automatic saving to rom
  • EEPROM Commands:
    • saverom : Saves song in memory to the EEPROM
    • printrom : Prints the contents of the EEPROM to serial
    • clear : Clears the contents of the EEPROM
    • clearrom : Alias for clear
  • Recording Commands:
    • beginrec : Begins recording to memory
    • rec : Alias for beginrec
    • record : Alias for beginrec
    • endrec : Stops recording to memory