
A shell script wrap your programs around to make them send their output to Sensu!

Primary LanguageShell


This script is deprecated in favor of This Ruby-based replacement!!


Build Status


Takes the output of a command and reports it to Sensu. Makes it pretty trivial add health checks to arbitrary shell commands. Particularly good for cron jobs!

By default raises 2 (Critical) on any non-0 exit code from the command.


usage: sensu-shell-helper [OPTIONS] [--] COMMAND


-h      Show help
-n      Specify the name of the check. Defaults to the name of the command you run with args,
        with non-compliant characters replaced with underscores.
-l      Send the output of the command to logger as well as Sensu with a provided tag.
-d      Dry run, send the output what would be sent to Sensu to stderr.
-H      String of an array of handlers. Defaults to empty. (use default handlers)
-j      Specify custom json to cover a need that I can't think of. (see examples)
-c      Count of the number of lines to output to Sensu. Default: 3
-N      Nagios Compliant. Use when the COMMAND returns 0,1,2,3 appropriately.


sensu-shell-helper /bin/false
(reports the output to sensu sliently, with a name of /bin/false)

sensu-shell-helper -l dailycron -n "Daily Apt Get Cron" /usr/bin/apt-get update
(Get a sensu alert when your daily apt-get cron job fails, and send output to syslog)

sensu-shell-helper -H '["email", "pagerduty"]' -- /usr/bin/my_critical_command
(Be explicity about handlers to use. Optional -- to separate the command)

sensu-shell-helper -n "Special Check" -j '"playbook": "http://wiki/special_check", "metric: false",' -- /usr/bin/special_check
(For when you need extra json in the output. NOTE: INCLUDE A TRAILING COMMA. Use -d for debug)

Behind The Scenes

sensu-shell-helper sends JSON to the local sensu agent running on localhost:3030. For example a command like:

/sensu-shell-helper /usr/bin/seq 1 5

Would result in a json of:

  "name": "_usr_bin_seq_1_5",
  "output": "3
  "status": 0

sent to localhost:3030. Use the -d (dry-run) flag to confirm your JSON output.


Simply copy the file somewhere, or:

make install PREFIX=/usr


Uses the testing framework from Evan Krall to test basic functionality.


Open an issue or fork and open a Pull Request