
Shift is a static site generator for Handlebars.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Shift is a static site generator for Handlebars. It is, in essence, a simple wrapper for a handful of underlying libraries which allows for easy compilation of Handlebars templates into static HTML files using Gulp.


npm install --save-dev mosaic-shift


var gulp = require("gulp");
var shift = require("mosaic-shift");

// Compile all the handlebars templates in the `source` folder.
gulp.task("build", function() {
  return gulp.src("source/**/*.hbs")

An example build which uses handlebars-layouts can be found in this repository:


Data can be gathered and used inside of your Handlebars templates in a variety of ways. Unless otherwise noted, the gathered data will be available on the data property of the file object as specified in gulp-data.

  • Front Matter defined at the top of the template.
  • JSON companion files which live next to your template files.
  • Data files from anywhere inside the current working directory. This data will be available in the root template context with in a structure mirroring the directory and file names of the given files.


A navigation tree will be created automatically for all the files found within the given gulp.src directory and attached to the file.data property as file.data.nav.


Template compilation is handled by gulp-hb, which provides options for registering custom Handlebars helpers and partials.


Output will be piped to the given gulp.dest directory and prettified with gulp-htmltidy.
