
Converters between JodaTime and Java 8 time classes, plus some legacy java.util time classes utility, for Java 8 and Scala

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



Timeywimey is a collection of libraries providing conversion utilities for JodaTime, Legacy java.util.Date, and Java 8 java.time classes.

Timeywimey was originally written by someone at meetup.com. It was abandoned, and then forked and republished by solarmosaic.

timeywimey-core provides Java static methods for the conversion logic usable in both Java 8 and Scala.

timeywimey-scala includes Scala implicits to provide syntactic sugars .asJava and .asJoda.


Use sbt 1.5.5 for testing (Scalatest) and building. Building relies on several plugins which are internal to solarmosaic and not publicly available.


Timeywimey is released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)