Reverse Proxy (NGINX) in Docker

This repo is the companion to this blog post.

The default configurations here serve as a reverse proxy for the WordPress site in this project branch.

There are also some other NGINX conf examples here that can be used as a launch pad for more complex configurations.

The self-signed certificate in the ssl folder goes with the reverseproxy-ssl.conf examples and the fictitious WordPress site. The certificate.pem and key.pem are self-signed and intended to be used as an example. You should NEVER commit valid, trusted certificate private keys to git.


  1. Install Docker Linux Users: Also install docker-compose
  2. Clone this repo: git clone nginx
  3. Create the reverseproxy network: docker network create reverseproxy
  4. Execute docker-compose up -d from the directory with the docker-compose.yml file.

Usage with other websites or applications

Modify the ./sites-enabled/coderevolve-site.conf template (or use one of the other examples) to suit your needs

  • Replace coderevolve-webhost with the DNS name or IP of your web server (or container_name)
    • If the port of your web application is something other than 80, change it as well
  • Replace coderevolve-upstream with whatever you want, just make it unique among any other upstreams
  • Replace with your primary web address or tld for the site


If you want to remove this reverse proxy, do the following:

  1. Stop and remove the reverse proxy container: docker-compose down
  2. Remove the docker network: docker network remove reverseproxy
  3. Remove this folder, or just clean and reset it with git clean -fdx and git reset --hard
  4. [optional] Remove the nginx docker image: docker image rm nginx