Walk a directory tree emitting events based on the contents. API compatable with node-findit. Walk a tree of any depth. Fast! Handles permission errors. Stoppable. windows support. Pull requests are awesome. watchers are appreciated.
- adamrightsDowjones
- alielParis
- boo1eanUkraine
- brianmhuntMinuteBox Inc.
- bsparksArizona
- cdnbaconBusbud
- chilts@AppsAttic : Apps Attic Ltd
- dylanizedSt. Louis, MO
- esamattisFindkit / Valu Digital Oy
- ferloresFacebook
- imcodetolive
- isaoCalifornia
- jebaird@CentroInc
- jhermsmeierGermany
- jhnns@peerigon
- joergbirkhold
- jonmorehouse@powertoolsdev
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- justinfreitag-zzMelbourne, Australia
- kevdowney
- mathieumg@MaintainX
- MeettyaRussia
- mpal9000
- nickjanssenAntwerp, Belgium
- nuintunFoxuc
- robert-chiniquyEas{t,y} Bay
- rossj@GoldFynch
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- sindresorhus
- soldairGoogle
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- thiagodelgado111São Paulo, Brazil
- tjfontaineAtaraxia Consulting
- umaarLondon
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- wuyuntaoShanghai, China