
queue work todo in redis and handle it in the same process. keep work safe from process restarts/crashes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


queue work to do in redis, and handle it in the same process. keep work safe from process restarts/crashes


var todoQueue = require('todo-queue')

var queue = todoQueue({


  // all done.



  • queue = todoQueue(options,doJobFunction)

    • options

      • redis

      • prefix||name

        • this is the namespace of your queue.
        • this queue uses 3 keys in redis to do its work.
          • prefix + ':data' hash with the job objects. keyed by name.
          • prefix + ':set' a sorted list of jobs. sorted by time inserted
          • prefix + ':failed' a hash of jobs that have failed along with an error property keyed by timstamp:jobname
      • timeout

        • default 0
        • the maximum time in ms a doJobFunction can run without calling done
        • this timer is disabled by default
      • retry

        • default 3
        • how many times a job should be retried immediately on failure
      • attempts

        • default 5
        • how many times a failed job should be reinserted into the queue with a time delay from backoff
      • backoff

        • function (job)
        • return number of ms to wait before trying again.
        • defaults to one minute * attempts * 2
        • this means time delays are 2,4,6,8,10 totalling 40 minutes before a job moves from data to failed.
      • start

        • default true
        • if this instance should immediately start consuming the queue
    • doJobFunction(job,done)

      • job

        • is an object with name and data properties
        • {name: job name, data: the data you passed into add}
      • done(err, data, skip)

        • fire this callback when you are done with the job
        • if you callback with err the job will be retried depending on your settings for attempts and retries
        • if you callback with skip set to true and this job has errored it will not be retried or attempted again.
    • return

      • an event emitter queue
  • queue.add(name,data[,delay],cb)

    • add a new job to the queue.
    • optional time delay
  • queue.has(name,cb)

    • if this queue has an entry for this name
  • queue.start()

    • start a stopped queue
    • this is needed if options.start is not truthy or you called queue.end and want to continue
  • queue.stop()

    • gracefully stop processing the queue.
  • queue.locks(name)

    • when an item is being added to the queue and when an item is being processed we take out a lock on the name.
    • this means calls to queue.add("name") will wait for any current processing of "name" to finish
    • we expose the number of locks because if events of the same name share a common resource like a file on disk it probably matters.
  • queue.backoff(job)

    • when a job fails
    • the default backoff function
  • queue.countFailures(cb)

    • the number of items in the failed hash
  • queue.getFailures(cb)

    • get all failures
    • failures stick around in this redis hash forever.
    • periodically you should clean this out and handle or log these errors
  • queue.removeFailure(key,cb)

    • remove an item form the failed hash for this queue.
  • queue.on(EVENT)

    • the queue is an event emitter and emits some useful metrics.

    • queue.on('metric',metric object)

      • is called with one argument a metric object with a name and an optional numeric value.
      • {name:name,value:value}
      • if you use numbat-emitter style/process.emit('metric') you can pass these over after prefixing the name in a way that fits your convention.
      • "metric"
        • {name: 'job', value: ms}
          • time it took to process the job
        • {name: 'job-retry'}
          • when a job is being queued for time delay retry.
        • {name: 'job-failed'}
          • we have given up on this job
        • {name: 'redis-connected'}
          • redis connected
        • {name: 'redis-disconnected'}
          • redis disconnected
        • {name: 'redis-error'}
          • redis has sent a recoverable error. this is followed up by a connection attempt.
        • {name: 'redis-command-error'}
          • redis gave an error when trying to update update/finish a job in the queue.
    • queue.on("idle")

      • this event is triggered when the queue has been drained.
    • queue.on("fail",failed job)

      • an job has just been marked as failed.
    • queue.on("log",log string)

      • some debug logs.