
Create Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) descriptions via code helpers.

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PkgGoDev License


Create Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) descriptions via code helpers.


In ideal world always at first creates scheme and describe all contracts between client and backend. In real world more simply create project and after describe swagger scheme. And if you at first create schemes, after some iterations you could optimize generated code and lost combability with schemes. This framework works as wizard and help doesn't forgot some fields in swagger description.


Generates swagger description (only JSON) at Runtime by using the reflect package. Supported generation swagger description for Echo/Gorilla routers is supported. A separate package is implemented for each router. The framework contains two main components:

  • a builder that collects and connects the swagger web interface to the specified endpoint;
  • descriptor for endpoint.


Starts by calling function BuildSwagger. The function must be called after adding endpoint to routs. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Description
router/srv (Gorilla/Echo) router/server (Gorilla/Echo) for which builds swagger
swaggerPath the swagger-endpoint name
address address on which will be showed swagger-description
sw swagger-structure for adding endpoint description

For correct writes swagger-structure used a sequence of interfaces:

Function Description Example
SetBasePath base path to api /api/v1
SetInfo information about http-service swagger -

SetInfo function accepts structure which describes information about service. In current version no hard sequence for writing information (yes, it's bad, you can write something twice). The interface for writing SetInfo contains next functions:

Function Description Example
SetTitle the service name Swagger Example API
SetDescription the service description This is a sample embedded Swagger-server for Echo-server.
SetTermOfService URL to terms http://swagger.io/terms/
SetContact contacts -
SetLicense licence -

SetContact function accepts structure which describes information about contacts. In current version no hard sequence for writing information (yes, it's bad, you can write something twice). The interface for writing SetContact contains next functions:

Function Description Example
SetEmail set email info@test.test
SetName set support name API Support
SetURL set URL https://test.test

SetLicense function accepts structure which describes information about licence. In current version no hard sequence for writing information (yes, it's bad, you can write something twice). The interface for writing SetLicense contains next functions:

Function Description Example
SetURL URL to licence http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
SetName The licence name Apache 2.0

Example (Echo)

func main() {
	// Create http-server
	srv := echo.New()

	// Adds routes
	v1 := srv.Group("/api/v1")
	v1.GET("/test", testGetHandler)
	v1.POST("/test", testPostHandler)
	v1.GET("/testWithoutSwagger", testWithoutSwaggerGetHandler)
	v1.GET("/testWithMiddleware", testWithMiddlewareGetHandler, Middleware)
	v1.GET("/testArray", testArrayGetHandler)
	v1.GET("/testArrayOfStruct", testArrayOfStructGetHandler)
	v1.GET("/testParamPath/:id/:name", testParamPathGetHandler)

	// Build swagger
	err := echoSwagger.BuildSwagger(
				SetTitle("Swagger Example API v1").
				SetDescription("This is a sample embedded Swagger-server for Echo-server.").

	if err != nil {

	srv.HideBanner = true

Example (Gorilla)

func main() {
	r := mux.NewRouter()
	v1 := r.PathPrefix("/api/v1").Subrouter()
	v1.HandleFunc("/test", testGetHandler).Methods("GET")
	v1.HandleFunc("/test", testPostHandler).Methods("POST")
	v1.HandleFunc("/testWithoutSwagger", testWithoutSwaggerGetHandler).Methods("GET")
	v1.Handle("/testWithMiddleware", Middleware(http.HandlerFunc(testWithMiddlewareGetHandler))).Methods("GET")
	v1.HandleFunc("/testArray", testArrayGetHandler).Methods("GET")
	v1.HandleFunc("/testArrayOfStruct", testArrayOfStructGetHandler).Methods("GET")
	v1.HandleFunc("/testParamPath/{id}/{name}", testParamPathGetHandler).Methods("GET")

	// Build swagger
	err := gorillaSwagger.BuildSwagger(
				SetTitle("Swagger Example API v1").
				SetDescription("This is a sample embedded Swagger-server for Gorilla-server.").

	if err != nil {

	srv := &http.Server{
		Handler: r,
		Addr:    ":1323",


Descriptor for endpoint

The descriptor is implemented as sequence interfaces, which maximally excludes incorrect endpoint descriptions. The descriptor is called by the AddToSwagger function. A router context object is passed to it. For Echo - echo.Context, for Gorilla - *http.Request. Function AddToSwagger retruns interface with next functions:

Function Description Example
SetConsumes set consumed data application/json
SetProduces set produced data application/json
AddResponse add responses from endpoint -

SetConsumes accepts array of strings with supported consumed data formats and returns interface with next functions:

Function Description Example
SetDescription set endpoint description Test PostHandler
SetProduces set produced format application/json

SetProduces accepts array of strings with supported produced data formats and returns interface with next functions:

Function Description Example
SetDescription set endpoint description Test simply POST PostHandler

SetDescription returns interface with next functions:

Function Description Example
SetSummary set short description for endpoint Test handler

SetSummary returns interface with next functions:

Function Description Example
AddResponse add response from endpoint -
AddInBodyParameter add description of in-body parameter -
AddInPathParameter add description of in-path parameter -
AddInQueryParameter add description of in-query parameter -
AddInHeaderParameter add description of in-header parameter -
AddInCookieParameter add description of in-cookie parameter -
  • The function AddInBodyParameter intended to describe in body parameter. According to the swagger 2.0 specification, there can be only one for a specific endpoint.
  • The functions AddInPathParameter anf AddInQueryParameter intended to describe in path, in query, in header, in cookie parameters. According to the swagger 2.0 specification, there may be several of them. WARNING! Cookie not supported in Swagger UI, adds it only for generation scheme. Therefore the returned by AddInBodyParameter/AddInPathParameter/AddInQueryParameter functions interface contains only next functions:
Function Description Example
AddResponse add response from endpoint -
AddInPathParameter add description of in-path parameter -
AddInQueryParameter add description of in-query parameter -
AddInHeaderParameter add description of in-header parameter -
AddInCookieParameter add description of in-cookie parameter -

AddResponse returns interface which have only function AddResponse.

For processing descriptor only once use function IsBuildingSwagger.


Accepts the name of parameter, its description, scheme and the flag required or not parameter.


Accepts the name of parameter, its description, type of parameter.


Accepts the name of parameter, its description, type of parameter and the flag required or not parameter.


Accepts the name of parameter, its description, type of parameter and the flag required or not parameter.


Accepts response code, its description, scheme.

Examples of using descriptor for endpoint

Example (Gorilla)

	// Swagger
	if gorillaSwagger.IsBuildingSwagger(r) {
			SetDescription("Test PostHandler").
			SetSummary("Test simply POST handler").
			AddInBodyParameter("some_id", "Some ID", &TestStruct{}, true).
			AddResponse(200, "Test", &TestStructWithInterfaceField{InterfaceField: TestStruct{Name: "dsgsdgs"}}).
			AddResponse(402, "Test", &TestStructWithStructField{})

Example (Echo)

	// Swagger
	if echoSwagger.IsBuildingSwagger(ec) {
			SetDescription("Test PostHandler").
			SetSummary("Test simply POST handler").
			AddInBodyParameter("some_id", "Some ID", &TestStruct{}, false).
			AddResponse(200, "Test", &TestStructWithInterfaceField{InterfaceField: TestStruct{Name: "dsgsdgs"}}).
			AddResponse(402, "Test", &TestStructWithStructField{})
		return nil

Supported schemes

  • Nested structs:
type TestStruct struct {
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	Conter int    `json:"counter"`

type TestStructWithStructField struct {
	StructField TestStruct `json:"structField"`
  • Nested slices of structs:
type TestEeee struct {
	Name   string `json:"Name"`
	Conter int    `json:"conter"`

type TestStructWithArrayOfStructs struct {
	ArrayField []TestEeee `json:"arrayField"`
  • Nested slices of siple types.

  • Nested interfaces:

type TestStructWithInterfaceField struct {
	Str            string      `json:"str"`
	InterfaceField interface{} `json:"interfaceField"`

Supporting Middleware

go-swagger works with middlewares correctly. If Middleware is available, they will be processed correctly and will not be counted as a separate method at the endpoint. You can specify a swagger description for the Middleware response if there is a condition under which the request is not forwarded further to the endpoint

Example (Gorilla):

func Middleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// Swagger
		if gorillaSwagger.IsBuildingSwagger(r) {
				AddResponse(405, "Test middleware response", nil)

		// Main code of handler
		if r.URL.Query().Get("some_id") == "fail" {
		next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

Example (Echo):

func Middleware(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
	return func(ec echo.Context) error {
		// Swagger
		if echoSwagger.IsBuildingSwagger(ec) {
				AddResponse(405, "Test middleware response", nil)

		// Main code of handler
		if ec.QueryParam("some_id") == "fail" {
			return nil
		if err := next(ec); err != nil {
		return nil
  • Exclude endpoint from swagger-description Use middleware ExcludeFromSwagger for it. If no descriptor for endpoint this endpoint will not included to swagger-description, but you can see some errors in log when swagger-description will be build.

Multiple swagger-descriptions at one address

You can create multiple swagger-descriptions at one address. E.x. for "api/v1" for "api/2".

Types substitution

During generated swagger-description you can replace one type to another. For example, for save memory useful to use int instead string constants. But in contract will be string. If you do not make a substitution of the type, then the swagger description will contain an int, which is misleading. To avoid the "swagtype" tag, if it is present, the parser will replace the real type with capabilities.

type TestStructWithStructField struct {
  TestIntAsString  int                    `json:"testIntAsString" swagtype:"string"`

In swagger description TestIntAsString will be as string.


To write multiple possible values you mus use the tag "swagenum".

type TestStructWithStructField struct {
  TestStringEnum string `json:"testStringEnum" swagenum:"testEnum1,testEnum2,testEnum3"`


You can find examples of http-service in /example/. After run open in browser http://localhost:1323/api/v1/swagger/index.html