
Functional streaming news aggregator. For educational purposes. And fun :-)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A functional streaming news aggregator with real-time distribution. Mostly for educative purposes. (uses babel-node to support ES6+).

  • collector.js will

    • store and update articles in a mongodb collection
    • publish data to applicable channels/listeners
  • api.js will

    • expose the data (articles) stored in the database as a HTTP API
  • websocket-api.js will

    • listen for data being piped into the entries:updated channel it listens to
    • expose that data real-time as a websocket api

(More docs coming..)

Install dependencies (some might need to use sudo for various reasons):

  • brew/apt-get install iojs
  • brew/apt-get install redis
  • brew/apt-get install mongodb
  • npm install -g gulp
  • npm install -g babel
  • npm install

Development shellscript example for collector:


export DEBUG="*" \
export NODE_ENV="development" \
export MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost/toppsaker" \
export REDIS_URL='redis://localhost:6379' \
export REDIS_PREFIX='toppsaker'

babel-node --stage 0 collector

Development shellscript example for api:


export DEBUG="*" \
export NODE_ENV="development" \
export MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost/toppsaker" \

babel-node --stage 0 api

Development shellscript example for websocket-api:


export DEBUG="*" \
export NODE_ENV="development" \
export REDIS_URL='redis://localhost:6379' \
export REDIS_PREFIX='toppsaker'

babel-node --stage 0 websocket-api