
A monorepo modular wallet adapter for Aptos applications

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Aptos Wallet Adapter

A monorepo modular wallet adapter developed and maintained by Aptos for wallet and dapp builders that includes:

Getting Started

Supported wallet packages

Note: These are in alphabetical order, any new wallets must be in alphabetical order

Develop Locally

You would need pnpm@7.14.2 in order to bootstrap and test a local copy of this repo.

  1. Clone the repo with git clone https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-wallet-adapter.git
  2. On the root folder, run pnpm install and pnpm turbo run build
  3. On the root folder, run pnpm turbo run dev - that would spin up a local server (localhost:3000) with the nextjs demoapp

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