
A non-functional identity provider to be used for the solid storage server test suite.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Test IDP

A fake IDP used for the Solid Storage Test Suite.


git clone https://github.com/solid/test-idp.git
npm i
HOST=example.com  npm start

If your host is localhost modify you /etc/hosts file to include the following.    example.com

Your test-idp host is now example.com

Ensure that you have a wildcard host on the subdomain for your host. If your host is example.com then *.example.com should also be directed to the test-idp


This module exposes WebIDs for test users. Currently, they are

Getting tokens

Once your test-idp server is running, you can generate tokens test your Solid resource server. There are two ways to do this. One is to get all the tokens in one JSON object. To do so call the following:


Where https://mystorageserver.example is the URL of your storage server.

At the moment, this will return 6 tokens:

  • ALICE_ID_GOOD: A good ID Token representing Alice herself (not operating through any app)
  • ALICE_POP_FOR_GOOD_APP_GOOD: A good PoP token representing Alice using Good App (an app that is in Alices's trusted apps)
  • ALICE_POP_FOR_BAD_APP_GOOD: A good PoP token representing Alice using Bad App (an app that is not in Alices's trusted apps)
  • BOB_ID_GOOD: A good ID Token representing Bob himself (not operating through any app)
  • BOB_POP_FOR_GOOD_APP_GOOD: A good PoP token representing Bob using Good App (an app that is in Bob's trusted apps)
  • BOB_POP_FOR_BAD_APP_GOOD: A good PoP token representing Bob using Bad App (an app that is not in Bob's trusted apps)

The other is to append the above token names to the URL, e.g.


This will return a single bearer token.