
This is a neural machine translation system. It works with English and German languages.

Primary LanguagePython

Neural machine translator

This is a neural machine translation system which is capable of working with English and German languages. You can get the additional information about the data used for this project in data/LICENSE.md.

How to run a project

  1. Navigate to the project folder.
  2. Set up a virtual environment. See requirements.txt for the versions.
  3. Activate a virtual environment.
  4. Run python main.py command.


  • It is not necessary to train any models - you can find available models' weights in models/english-to-german/en_de (English-to-German translator) and models/german-to-english/de_en (German-to-English translator).
  • If you want to change some parameters and train your own model, then see file-level docstring of train/en_ge_train.py and train/ge_en_train.py.

Model's architecture

The model used for the translation is based on the transformer architecture proposed in the paper "Attention is All You Need" by Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N. Gomez, Lukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin.

Transformer model:

The Transformer model introduces an architecture solely based on attention mechanisms and forgoes the need for recurrence and convolutions. The key components of the Transformer model are:

  • Multi-Head Attention: This mechanism allows the model to focus on different positions simultaneously, which results in better handling of long-range dependencies.

  • Position-Wise Feed-Forward Networks: These are fully connected feed-forward networks applied to each position separately and identically.

  • Positional Encoding: Since the model doesn't have any recurrence or convolution, positional encodings are added to provide the model with some information about the relative or absolute position of the tokens in the sequence.

  • Residual Connections and Layer Normalization: These are used around each sub-layer, followed by layer normalization.

Data description

See data/deu.txt file for the data used in training. data/LICENSE.md contains the information about the source and the license. In short, the transformer model was trained using the short phrases and single words passed to the encoder with their translations passed to decoder.

Project structure

  • assets/ contains the icons and screenshots used in the project.
  • data/ contains the data deu.txt and the license LICENSE.md files.
  • models/ contains the weights of 2 models: English-to-German (english-to-german/en_de/) & German-to-English (german-to-english/de_en/) translators.
  • train/ contains vocabularies_de_en and vocabularies_en_de with the vocabularies for the models. It also includes data_preprocess.py file, which can load the data and initialize vocabularies, en_ge_train.py & ge_en_train.pythat can be started as modules (see their file-level docstrings) in order to train the models.
  • main.py that you can run to start the project.
  • requirements.txt contains external python modules used in the project and their versions.

Application preview

Correct translation

  • Screenshot of a correct translation
  • The user can type in the text to translate in the corresponding text field. He is also able to erase all the written text and close the application by pressing the buttons.

Role of context

  • Moreover, NMT translator takes into account the gender of the word and the context:
  • The gender of the word


  • However, it is not trained to define the part of speech. That's why all the German words have the lowercase letters. And sometimes the user may find that the NMT just doesn't know the word, since the vocabulary size is 3000 words:
  • Unknown word occurence
  • Though you can see that an article 'a' was placed correctly with a help of a context.