- 2
- 6
Enabling follow your nose when the application does not have or want a new data grant
#325 opened by josephguillaume - 9
- 8
Add a predicate to link `AccessDescriptionSet` with `AccessNeedGroupDescription` and `AccessNeedDescription`
#323 opened by srosset81 - 5
interops prefix page do not exist - DOCUMENT NOT FOUND.
#321 opened by S3JER - 1
- 1
Comparison with ESS Access Requests and Grants
#317 opened by michielbdejong - 6
- 0
Establishing data sharing between Social Agents
#302 opened by elf-pavlik - 7
- 0
- 1
Imposing as a (social) agent
#314 opened by woutermont - 9
- 3
- 1
- 3
2023-04-24 Meeting Agenda
#311 opened by elf-pavlik - 0
2023-04-10 Meeting Agenda
#310 opened by elf-pavlik - 5
Question about access modes
#306 opened by michielbdejong - 3
2023-04-03 12:00UTC Meeting Agenda
#305 opened by elf-pavlik - 1
- 1
Remove public inboxes
#280 opened by elf-pavlik - 2
Add grantedBy to DataAuthorization
#246 opened by justinwb - 1
record updated intro videos
#298 opened by elf-pavlik - 0
update README
#296 opened by elf-pavlik - 0
Define Rejection Records
#278 opened by elf-pavlik - 2
Deactivating registrations
#293 opened by elf-pavlik - 0
2023-02-27 Meeting Agenda
#299 opened by elf-pavlik - 1
Use of dataOwner in scope(All) examples
#248 opened by justinwb - 2
2023-02-13 Meeting Agenda
#295 opened by elf-pavlik - 1
Consider referencing notifications subscription from an agent registration
#241 opened by elf-pavlik - 2
Separate Application Registration Discovery
#286 opened by woutermont - 0
Agent-Specific Discovery
#289 opened by woutermont - 5
Requirement of customers: requiring the user to be logged in to access data
#275 opened by tomhgmns - 11
Look into compatibility with current practices
#285 opened by woutermont - 3
Clarify Application Registration Discovery
#287 opened by woutermont - 1
Split SAI in separate (sub)specs
#284 opened by woutermont - 0
Add IRI for namespace in RDF serialisations
#283 opened by coolharsh55 - 0
- 4
- 0
Add semantic information to shape trees to discriminate between different resource classes
#277 opened by Giacomo-Papaluca - 0
- 1
- 0
Resource Owner restricting their own access
#256 opened by elf-pavlik - 9
Terminology: Access Consent
#242 opened by laurensdeb - 0
Should we restrict Social Agent Reigstration discovery to AA of that social agent?
#252 opened by elf-pavlik - 3
Define responsibilities of Authorization Server
#250 opened by elf-pavlik - 20
TypeIndexen and DataRegistrationen
#247 opened by jeff-zucker - 0
Access Needs for Public Resources
#243 opened by laurensdeb - 7
Sharing access between social agents
#238 opened by lem-onade - 2
What about file storage?
#240 opened by woutermont