
Going through learnopengl with Rust

Primary LanguageRust

Learn OpenGL With Rust

Going through Learn OpenGL with Rust. This repo contains my progress working through examples and exercises from each chapter. A verbalized summary of my learnings containing concept and code explanations can be found in the summaries directory but they are not guaranteed to be correct as they are reflections of my understanding of some topic at that time.

Why Rust?

I'm an amateur at C++ at best and would consider myself an expert with Rust. I don't mind having to write unsafe Rust since this is for learning purposes.

Why OpenGL?

It seems like the friendliest API to get your feet wet into graphics programming. I have a little bit of experience of OpenGL in the past but I didn't manage to work with them consistently enough for them to stick, so here I am starting again from scratch.

Graphics programming isn't something that I plan to get into career-wise, so it's not crucial that I learn the most modern graphics APIs, however my ultimate goal is to eventually become able to wrangle wgpu with the graphics knowledge I will acquire from this endeavor.