unclear UI sidebar nav-menu
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I am a bit puzzled with how the UI of the sidebar is supposed to work, but it feels a bit unfinished imo.
when I enter p.ex the server-guide the site looks like
with Hydration Script in bold, while we are not seeing this part of the doc yet (I would include this first title in the sidebar tbh)
when I scroll to the next point of the article it does not change the selected title
and when I click a link
Hydration Script still keeps on being the selected nav-element.
This is true for all similar sidebar navigations on the solid site.
so i cloned the repo and looked a bit around
and was able to solve 99% of the errors described above by changing
a simple typo i guess.
There is also that fishy line a line above
that causes the nav-bar to select the second item of the list in the example underneath when the first one is selected
or even when it's scrolled completely to the top (because the top-element is not bigger then 500px)
with underlying code
the navbar works as expected in my setup (desktop, windows, firefox).