- 0
Error in the translation into Russian
#547 opened by MoskalenkoM - 1
Typo in the Examples title
#542 opened by ElitoGame - 1
No <title>
#521 opened by KTibow - 5
Unusable navigation in the SolidJS site
#518 opened by vijaybritto - 2
Add Refo to the ecosystem list
#527 opened by kireerik - 2
Please add an RSS feed
#332 opened by kaushalyap - 8
Delete the political discussion on the site
#525 opened by azchatlanin - 2
> Where did you discuss what?
#535 opened by azchatlanin - 6
- 0
- 0
- 0
"/import_map.json: Missing semicolon. (2:12)"
#507 opened by xehpuk - 1
- 6
Hompage advanced intro video broken link
#461 opened by benalleng - 2
A feeling of very little vertical space, navbar too high, prefer sidebar TOC style navbar
#473 opened by T3sT3ro - 2
Solid JS tutorial pages broken, generate errors
#455 opened by benstahl - 1
- 0
The "debug console" element is confusing
#472 opened by T3sT3ro - 0
solid-docs-next is a broken link
#462 opened by frederikhors - 1
solidjs-web cdn skypack is not working
#454 opened by ArtemVeremienko - 2
- 1
Cssanimations site section is returning Type error.
#324 opened by ederhmaia - 2
CSS Animations example doesn't work
#385 opened by caburj - 1
cssanimations example is broken
#431 opened by Snazzie - 4
Confusing right sidebar
#414 opened by manast - 1
- 0
Same code works in playground but doesn't in tutorial
#445 opened by tysg - 0
- 0
#438 opened by tforward - 0
- 1
Gordita web font has "off center" vertical baseline
#411 opened by dstotijn - 3
Adding Arabic locale
#326 opened by upq - 2
Subtotal is Showing NaN
#419 opened by rahulbhadja - 1
[Comparison Page]. Sentence is cut off at the end.
#401 opened by shiba-sama - 1
Unclear project setup (yarn usage)
#377 opened by alexmaltsevgit - 0
[enhancement] Use a component library
#416 opened by orenelbaum - 2
- 1
[Starter Template] Solid Start tRPC turborepo starter template maybe add this to ecosystem page
#403 opened by vanillacode314 - 3
Todo example is broken
#382 opened by thednp - 1
- 1
Improve tutorials
#393 opened by pheianox - 0
"Get started" button breaks layout
#378 opened by alexmaltsevgit - 0
MenuLink triggers loadingBar on drag and right click
#381 opened by mootari - 1
Support Palestine
#366 opened by yousefelgoharyx - 2
Unergonomic scrolling (mobile) with code examples
#305 opened by bigmistqke - 1
Solid Tutorial Props Default breaks when solving/resetting in the greeting.tsx tab
#335 opened by Brandontam29 - 1
unclear UI sidebar nav-menu
#306 opened by bigmistqke - 2
Ukranian localization
#296 opened by djleonskennedy - 3
- 1
Can't change tabs in tutorial code
#273 opened by CoolOppo