- 1
Library breaks unless using solid-start SSR mode
#160 opened by mosheduminer - 3
Using vite-plugin-solid with vitest workspaces prevents solid-js from resolving correctly
#102 opened by jfrere - 6
Vitest fails with TypeError: Unknown file extension ".jsx"
#157 opened by aminya - 5
- 1
vite-plugin-solid v2.8.3+ causes: `TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'extend')`
#141 opened by qeleb - 2
createStore() from 'solid-js/store' fails in tests with Node.js 20 when vite-plugin-solid is enabled
#104 opened by link2xt - 0
[vite] server connection lost. Polling for restart...
#159 opened by bitnom - 6
- 0
Put packge into `@solidjs` namespace
#156 opened by BierDav - 0
feature: SWC support
#155 opened by pauliesnug - 11
I updated `vite-plugin-solid` and now namespaces merged with components are no longer allowed
#145 opened by AFatNiBBa - 1
Breaking updating from v2.9.1 from v2.10.0
#147 opened by codylindley - 3
'Error: No known conditions for "./node" specifier in "msw" package' when using MSW with Vitest
#125 opened by catannoyance - 1
Should omitNestedClosingTags be actually required?
#149 opened by deluksic - 1
HMR not work in "solid-ts" template
#151 opened by Moomesy - 5
Unable to pass signal to child components
#146 opened by thep0y - 3
Vite3 globalThis._$HY is undefined
#69 opened by malekim - 1
missing changelog / release tags
#143 opened by birkskyum - 1
- 8
Warning: "deps.registerNodeLoader" is deprecated
#114 opened by jtmueller - 7
2.7.1 breaks vitest config
#120 opened by jtmueller - 6
scope.registerDeclaration(declarationPath) error with vite-plugin-solid 2.8.2
#137 opened by floratmin - 0
- 4
Remove `@babel/preset-typescript`
#95 opened by lxsmnsyc - 0
- 0
Not working with happy-dom
#131 opened by ivanafanasyeu - 0
alias normalization breaks config
#130 opened by j4k0xb - 3
Upgrade compatibility with Vite 5
#126 opened by nilshelmig - 3
Document how to build a library for SolidJS
#97 opened by ChristophP - 0
web.template being used in SSR library mode
#116 opened by wakaztahir - 4
- 0
- 2
Could a Solid template be added to Vite?
#99 opened by rodrigocfd - 1
Routes are being duplicated when HMR is on
#106 opened by TiLopes - 3
Make ssr settings less strict
#64 opened by MrFoxPro - 6
Regressions: Bad svg parsing, `TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading firstChild/appendChild)`
#98 opened by vchirikov - 5
- 3
During dev mode, each time node_modules package imports file internally, makes that module have unique identity.
#77 opened by minht11 - 7
vite-plugin-solid after 2.6.1 vitest not working
#93 opened by sysmat - 1
Ambiguous `babel-preset-solid` dependency
#88 opened by rtritto - 1
Assets from `/public` doesn't work in release build of Electron App when using `electron-vite`
#87 opened by jakerdy - 0
- 1
- 0
- 2
vite@4.0.1 + @solidjs/router results in multiple solid instances warning + broken routing in dev mode
#78 opened by kavsingh - 2
The route cannot be switched when vite4 is upgraded
#79 opened by beilo - 3
2.4.0 may refuse to build if the indirect dependencies have not main/module/exports specified in its package.json
#70 opened by thislight - 1
Plugin doesn't play nice with Deno
#75 opened by daniellionel01 - 0
`ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED` due to bad assumptions in dependency resolution
#66 opened by lgarron - 5
Installing CesiumJS package breaks solidPlugin
#63 opened by Marvosg