
A VM and command line tool for compiling Tessel 2 binaries.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Precompilation for Tessel 2 modules. Uses a VM to run build tools for now.

t2-compiler build [--target=vm|tessel] [--recursive=false]
t2-compiler populate [--target=vm|tessel] [--recursive=true] [--build-needed=true]
t2-compiler depopulate
t2-compiler cache list
t2-compiler cache clear [<name>[@<version>]]

how to use it

Install the in-development Tessel 2 tools:

npm install -g git+https://github.com/tessel/t2-cli
npm install -g git+https://github.com/tessel/t2-vm
npm install -g git+https://github.com/tessel/t2-compiler

Initialize and run the Tessel 2 VM:

t2-vm create
t2-vm launch

Note the hostname that is logged to the console.

Next (in another terminal window) clone this simple Hello World example:

git clone https://gist.github.com/tcr/b99edad665936b46f20a hello-world
cd hello-world

This is a binary Node module, meaning that it has code written in C with bindings to a JavaScript API. This module defines a function, hello.world(), that returns the C string "hello world!" as follows:

#include <nan.h>
using namespace v8;
NAN_METHOD(Method) {
  NanReturnValue(NanNew("Hello world!"));
void Init(Handle<Object> exports) {
  exports->Set(NanNew("hello"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Method)->GetFunction());
NODE_MODULE(hello, Init)

Run this on your host computer:

npm install
node index.js
Hello world!

Now let's run this on a Tessel 2 VM. Run:

t2-compiler populate --target=vm
t2 run index.js --name <Tessel- hostname from t2 vm run>
Hello world!

Now, even if you don't own a Tessel 2, the process will be radically similar: compile your binary modules to target the device you want, then deploy them. (In the future, we'll a build server to run this population step as part of t2 run)

So on hand, we have some beta Tessel 2's. If we were to kill your t2-vm process, then plug in a Tessel 2, we could run:

t2-compiler populate --target=t2
t2 run index.js --usb
Hello world!

Great job!

