
Create beautiful HD readme content with ease

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


README-JSX is a package that lets you write your README documentations in jsx, opening a multitude of new possibilities and oppurtinities to get creative. Not only that, but it also provides you with all the necessary components for writing traditional markdown without having to struggle with spacing and formatting...

NOTICE: This file was generated with this library, you can checkout the sourecode by viewing the README.jsx file

npm i --save-dev readme-jsx

// ./README.jsx
const React = require("react");
const { BADGE, metadata} = require("readme-jsx");

module.exports = (
    color="blue" />
// ./scripts/readme-gen.js
const { generateMD } = require("readme-jsx");
generateMD("./README.jsx").then(() => {
  console.log("README.md generated !");

node ./scripts/readme-gen.js


// ./README.jsx
const React = require("react");
const { metadata} = require("readme-jsx");

const CustomHeader = ({ title, color }) => (
  <h1 className="custom-header" style={{ WebkitTextFillColor:color }}>{title}</h1>
module.exports = (
    @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Pacifico&display=swap');
      -webkit-text-stroke-width: 2px;
      -webkit-text-stroke-color: black;
      font-family: Pacifico;
      width: 880px;
      font-size: 3em;
      padding: 0px 0px 10px 10px;
      display: flex;
      margin: 0px;
      align-items: center;
    <CustomHeader title={metadata.name} color="yellow"/>
// ./scripts/readme-gen.js
const { generateMD } = require("readme-jsx");
generateMD("./README.jsx").then(() => {
  console.log("README.md generated !");

node ./scripts/readme-gen.js

Component Props Description Example Preview
H1 A basic markdown header <H1>A header</H1> # A header
H2 A basic markdown header <H2>A header</H2> ## A header
H3 A basic markdown header <H3>A header</H3> ### A header
H4 A basic markdown header <H4>A header</H4> #### A header
H5 A basic markdown header <H5>A header</H5> ##### A header
H6 A basic markdown header <H6>A header</H6> ##### A header
ITALIC Turns text italic <ITALIC>Italic</ITALIC> Italic
BOLD Turns text bold <BOLD>Bold</BOLD> Bold
SCRATCH Strikes the text <SCRATCH>Scratched</SCRATCH> Scratched
BR A line break <BR/> Doesn't show inside a table
HR A horizontal line <HR/> ---
QUOTE A quote <QUOTE>A thought here</QUOTE> Doesn't show inside a table
OL list: { title: string, content: string[]}[] An ordered list <OL list={[{title: "First item", content: ["Lorem ipsum","Lorem ipsum"]}]} /> Doesn't show inside a table
UL list: { title: string, content: string[]}[] An unordered list <UL list={[{title: "First item", content: ["Lorem ipsum","Lorem ipsum"]}]} /> Doesn't show inside a table
CODE `inline: boolean lang: string` A code snippet <CODE lang="shell">{"npm i readme-jsx"}</CODE>
A href: string A link <A href="https://google.com">Click me</A> Click me
TASKS list: {title: string, done: boolean}[] A list of tasks <TASKS list={[{title: "Refactor", done: false}, {title: "Go to sleep", done: false}]} /> Doesn't show inside a table
COLLAPSIBLE title: string A collapsible aka accordion <COLLAPSIBLE title="Show the content">The content</COLLAPSIBLE>
Show the contentThe content
TABLE columns: string[]; rows: string[][]; A table, like this one <TABLE columns=["Fruit", "Color"] rows={[["Banana", "Yellow"],["Watermelon","Green"]]}/> Doesn't show inside a table
IMG src: string ; href: string ; alt: string An image <IMG src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/Nuvola_emblem-favorite.svg/800px-Nuvola_emblem-favorite.svg.png"/>
BADGE label: string; message: string; link: string; color: string; style: "plastic" or "flat" or "flat-square" or "for-the-badge" or "social"; logo: string; logoColor: string; labelColor: string; A custom badge <BADGE label="HELLO" message="WORLD" style="for-the-badge" color="orange" /> HELLO

Function Arguments Description Example
generateMD path: string, options: { linebreak: number; assetsDir: string; packagejson: string; } The function which generates the markdown file generateMD("./README.jsx").then(() => { console.log("README.md generated !"); process.exit(); });
importJSX path: string This function is used to import jsx files inside your README.jsx, since node does not support the JSX engine by default const importJSX = require("import-jsx"); const Button = importJSX("../components/Button.jsx");

Property Description Example
metadata An object which contains the list of metadata properties that can be parsed from the package.json file <BADGE label="LICENSE" message={metadata.license}/>