:earth_asia: This is the Internationalization project for Solidus
- 0
Missing License for icons
#207 opened by fthobe - 3
- 2
Missing translations in FR locale
#180 opened by afdev82 - 0
Translation of extensions
#199 opened by xeruf - 1
- 3
Can we make a new release?
#188 opened by peterberkenbosch - 3
rake task in readme does not exists
#177 opened by peterberkenbosch - 0
Not creating paths with locales as intended
#184 opened by pelcasandra - 3
Allow setting available locales for each store
#82 opened by tvdeyen - 0
- 2
bundler: command not found: i18n-tasks
#158 opened by aaongr - 2
- 0
pt-BR.yml long variable
#139 opened by leobilocastro - 0
Multiple missing translations / missing locale
#101 opened by afdev82 - 0
Gem versioning
#116 opened by rbngzlv - 3
Make a new release to Rubygems
#76 opened by otlaitil - 1
runtime dependency of rails-i18n set in gemspec prevents an update to solidus 2.0 (and rails 5)
#85 opened by bosskovic - 4
Pluralization issue with certain languages
#58 opened by fredericboivin - 5
German number.percentage.format.precision causes error because it is a String, not a Fixnum
#60 opened by florianguenther - 5
SolidusI18n error with solidus v2.0.0
#73 opened by useiichi - 1
Cant Create Adding a Taxon to Another Taxon
#11 opened by saroar - 6
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Cannot translate field label PROMOTION CATEGORY
#13 opened by modreoci - 2
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