
A blackbox fuzzer for opc ua server implementations [work in progress....]

Primary LanguagePython

Fuzzing OPC UA protocol

A black-box fuzzer for the OPC UA protocol.


python myOpcuaFuzzer.py [-h] [-m] ip-addr [port]

positional arguments:
  ip-addr     The server host IP address
  port        The server host port

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -m, --info  Test the information model instead of implementation


  • Copy fuzz_logger_db_mod in ./env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/boofuzz/fuzz_logger_db.py. Due to the multiple calls of the fuzz() function for the information model use case, we need to check in the same DB if the tables exist during their creation
  • WINDOWS Only: install curses from sourceg

Environment for testing

  • Download and run the container with the server implementations
    • for open62541 > docker pull msolimandounibo/opcua-os-servers:open62541_v1.0 > docker run -d -it -p 4840:4840 --name openopcua msolimandounibo/opcua-os-servers:open62541_v1.0
    • for python opcua > docker pull msolimandounibo/opcua-os-servers:pythopcua_v1.0 > docker run -d -it -p 4840:4840 --name openopcua msolimandounibo/opcua-os-servers:pythopcua_v1.0
  • create a virtual env python3 -m venv env activate (fish) source ./env/bin/activate.fish install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • launch with python command and specified address (container or localhost:<redirection_port>) and port (container exposed port)

Main TODOs

  • arrange single msg fuzz (check which fields mutate)
  • asynch issues with Information Model fuzz