Runs a Goerli Testnet beacon and execution node alongside a prometheus stats server that reports if the nodes are synced
// compose file for geth/prysma/prometheus/stats_aggregator
// checkpoint state for fast sync with goerli testnet
// simple stats aggregator shim to export "is_synced" prometheus stats
// generate a new JWT and save it as "jwt.hex"
// or use the provided insecure key
$ mv bad-jwt.hex jwt.hex
docker-compose up --build
* connect to the prometheus ui instance at localhost:9090
* inspect `takehome_prysm_synced` exported metric
* inspect `takehome_prysm_distance` exported metric
* inspect `takehome_geth_synced` exported metric
With the provided checkpoints prysm beacon-chain should be synced within 10-15 minutes.
Geth execution-client takes significantly longer
* Everything is more open (security-wise) than it should be to not spend too much time on this
* only supports testnet + most configuration is hardcoded