
Ring middleware for CAS single sign out

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A Ring middleware for CAS single sign out, intended for use with clj-cas-client.

cas-single-sign-out keeps track of the Ring session associated with each CAS service ticket. When cas-single-sign-out receives a single sign out request from the CAS server, it destroys the associated session.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[cas-single-sign-out "0.1.3"]


  1. Create a Ring session store explicitly and pass it to wrap-session.

  2. Wrap the handler returned by wrap-session with wrap-cas-single-sign-out passing it the same session store.

(require '[ring.middleware.session.memory :refer [memory-store]]
         '[clj-cas-client.core :refer [cas]]
         '[cas-single-sign-out.middleware :refer [wrap-cas-single-sign-out]])

(def app (let [session-store (memory-store)]
           (-> handler
             (cas cas-server service-name)
             (wrap-session {:store session-store})
             (wrap-cas-single-sign-out session-store)))


Copyright © 2014 Solita

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.