
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Bot - Kanaliiga Rocket League Replay Handler

The bot's purpose is to fully automate uploading .replay -files into Ballchasing after a forum post has been created and files attached in to, either the post itself or as a message in the thread.

This bot works by sniffing thread posts and messages sent to them.

A new post in the forum has to follow a certain naming convention. Post titles are expected to have 2 commas ",", and a division name in between them. The bot needs to be able to parse the Division name to send the files to the correct subgroup. Use full group name whether it be Runkosarja Masters, Playoffs Masters etc.

It is case-sensitive.

  • Team 1 vs Team 2, Division name, DD.MM.YYYY

The bot notifies you, if you misspelled the name, with the names it found from ballchasing. It will only search groups under a pre-defined parent group (see commands for more information).

The bot replies with emojis, first succesful sends ✅1️⃣ and consecutive ones after that 2️⃣,3️⃣ ... In case of a failure, the bot tells you about it. Each attachment is handled separately, therefore one failed upload does not automatically affect the others. Except if theres incorrect file-type.
Along with emojis, bot replies with a link for the replay from Ballchasing.

The bot keeps metadata of posts in memory for certain amount of time (CLEAR_CACHE_INTERVAL). This is for convenience reasons and does not affect bot usage. You can still add new messages and attachments to an old post even after the cache is cleared.


Tech Stack

Bot-server: Node 18

Environment: Docker 20


  • Parses and finds correct division from a forum post title.
  • Creates a new subgroup for each post.
  • Download and upload .replay -files automatically to subgroup in correct division.
  • Add all the attachments in the same message, or one by one.
  • File uploads only permitted with captain role.
  • Report file processing for its success or failure into its Discord post.
  • Suggests for division names in case of misspelling or with /rl_divisionhelp -command.
  • Report bot and ballchasing API health with /rl_health -commmand.
  • Season change? No worries, set a new parent group with /rl_setparent -command.
  • Handle posts made when the bot was offline with /rl_check -command.


cmd Parameter Type Description Restricted
/rl_health Bot and API health. no
/rl_divisionhelp Subgroups (divisions) from parent. no
/rl_setparent id string Required. ID of the new parent group. ADMIN_ROLE
/rl_check Process posts made when bot was offline. ADMIN_ROLE

Ballchasing parent group ID can be found, for e.g. from group home page URL. https://ballchasing.com/group/xxxxxxxxxxx


Rocket League Captains

1) Write titles in posts with the following syntax: 

{HomeTeam} vs {GuestTeam}, {DivisionFullName}, {DD.MM.YYYY}

e.g. ABC vs DEF, Runkosarja Masters, 6.3.2023

3) Drag & Drop replay files into the post. This can be done afterwards as well.
4) You may add additional information about the played rounds, e.g. if any issues were encountered.
5) Close the post once you're ready if theres nothing more to add.
 Right click the post and choose "Close Post".


ADMIN_ROLE has two commmands in their toolbox to use.

/rl_setparent Sets a new parent group (season) where subgroups (divisions) are located.

/rl_check Checks all posts for unprocessed files.

Bot setup

The following steps helps you to configure the bot into your Discord channel.

  • Log in to Discord Developer Portal with your Discord credentials.
  • Create a new application.
  • Note the APPLICATION ID, this is the environment variable CLIENT_ID.
  • (Optional) Fill the description of the bot. This will appear in the bots ABOUT ME - section in Discord.
  • Click Reset Token and take note of it, this is the environment variable TOKEN.
  • Toggle off PUBLIC BOT from Authorization Flow settings.
  • Scroll down and toggle on slider MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT.
  • Navigate into OAuth0 -> General and make sure there are no redirect links set and AUTHORIZATION METHOD is set to None.
  • Navigate into OAuth0 -> URL Generator.
  • Generate an invite URL with: Scopes bot
    Bot Permissions Read Messages/View Channels, Send Messages, Add Reactions
  • Copy and paste the URL into your browser, select server from the dropdown and accept the invitation. The bot has now joined into your server.
    ⚠️ Do not share the link with anyone!

Local Deployment

To deploy this project

  • Clone the project git clone
  • Step into the dir cd kanaliiga-rl-discrod-bot
  • Create .env -file from .env.example fill it accordingly
  • run the deploy bash script sh deploy.sh

Environment Variables

The bot is configurable with environment variables. Environment variables should be set into environment itself, or by placing a .env -file into the root of the project. Please see .env.example for more information.

Variable Default Type Notes
TOKEN String
CAPTAIN_ROLE String e.g. RL Captain
ADMIN_ROLE String e.g. RL Organizer
CLEAR_CACHE_INTERVAL 3 Integer Number of days
FILE_LIMIT 7 Integer Number of attachements in total for one post
BOT_NAME Kanaliiga RL Bot String Max length 32 characters
BOT_ACTIVITY for RL replays to upload... String Will always be prefixed with 'Watching'

Running Tests

The bot's code is tested using Jest. To run tests:

  git clone
  npm install
  npm run test


I spelled the post title wrong, what do I do?

Edit the posts title and save. The bot will check the post again for you.

I've exceeded my limit of attachments in my post, how to proceed?

Delete your message and add the attachments again and not go over the limit, or remove attachement inside the message and ask RL Organizer to run /rl_check for you.

The bot did not do anything when I made a new post and placed files in it, why?

The bot might be offline. Don't worry though, your post or files are not lost. Ask Admin to run /rl_check for you once the bot is back online.


Bot profile picture is based on: Insect icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
