
Solana Sierra Leone / Christex Foundation Learning information


Solana Sierra Leone / Christex Foundation Learning information

Variables and Data Types:

let variable_name = value; Common data types: i32, u32, f64, bool, char, String Control Flow:

if condition { } else { } match value { pattern => { } } for item in iterable { } Functions:

fn function_name(parameters) -> return_type { } Ownership and Borrowing:

Ownership: Each value has a single owner. Borrowing: References allow multiple read-only accesses. Structs:

Define with struct StructName { field_name: type } Enums:

Define with enum EnumName { Variant1, Variant2 } Pattern Matching:

Match enums or destructure tuples/structs. Modules:

Organize code with mod module_name { } and pub keyword. Error Handling:

Use Result<T, E> for functions that can return errors. Handle errors with match or .unwrap(). Traits and Generics:

Define shared behavior with traits. Create generic functions and structs. Closures:

Anonymous functions with captured variables. Collections:

Arrays: [value, value] Vectors: Vec HashMaps: HashMap<K, V> Concurrency:

Use std::thread::spawn for basic concurrency. Use std::sync for synchronization. Lifetime and References:

Specify lifetimes to indicate how long reference