Database creation Project


This folder has all the files used to create a database for an inmaginary client that is doing a digital transformation of its data. This client needs to agregate several files into one database that holds all tha information from different tables. This client gives 3 files:

  • XML file (data_xml.xml)
  • txt file (data_txt.txt)
  • sql file (data_sql.sql)

As an additional task, the obtained tables should be partially processed. Moreover, the data processing system must be automatized, in order to be able to receive future data periodically.


The code created to solve our client's problem is organised as follows:

  • sql_code.sql : sql file created to create the database in sql, manage the sql file given by our client and clean some of the data in this table. It has an introduction and explanation of the sql part.
  • txt_code3.ipynb : jupyter file with the code used to manage the txt file. It has an introduction and explanation of the txt part.
  • DEF_limpieza_xml.ipynb : jupyter file with the code used to manage the XML file. It has an introduction and explanation of the XML part.
  • productowner_code.ipynb : jupyter file with the code used by the product owner after executing 'sql_code.sql' to clean and add the txt and XML files to the database. Our client would have just to execute the jupyter file form the beggining and the magic would happen.


Project 1. Data base creation demo PDF

As a practice os Agile and Scrum metodology, this project was done with 3 more partners. We did daily meetings everyday, we organised our task in a kanban framework, we worked all the project remotely and we did 2 sprints for this prject. At the end of both sprints we did a sprint review meeting and, finally, we did a demo meeting with the product owner presence. The presentation slides are in the 'PRESENTACION_PP.pptx' file, there you can find all the explanation of the project and the code running.


This was my very first project. It is improvable, but it was a good beggining.