This repository is for ROS setup for real UR3e arm and ROBOTIQ gripper (2F-85)

Download the project

git clone https://github.com/sollynoay/ur3e-robotiq.git
cd src
git clone https://github.com/sollynoay/universal_robot.git
git clone https://github.com/sollynoay/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver.git
git clone https://github.com/sollynoay/robotiq_2finger_grippers.git



robotiq requires modbus. Current code requries a lower version of pymodbus.

pip install pymodbus==2.5.3

Universal robot

To build universal robot library from source, install dependencies as follows.

rosdep update
rosdep install --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO --ignore-src --from-paths src

UR3e Setup

Here, controlling UR3e by ROS is explained. UR3e can be connected to PC via ethernet.

ip and mask for PC and UR3e control box

This work sets PC to and UR3e to, masks to This ensures communication under TCP/IP.
(Note: the UR3e teaching panel can be connected with a keyboard. You can stop GUI and use CUI mode. Username: root, password: easybot. This seems not necessary but FYI.)


If this is the first time or the calibration file cannot be found, run the following code to read the calibration parameters from the robot.

roslaunch ur_calibration calibration_correction.launch robot_ip:= target_filename:="${HOME}/my_robot_calibration.yaml"

Start Service

roslaunch ur_robot_driver ur3e_bringup.launch robot_ip:= kinematics_config:="${HOME}/my_robot_calibration.yaml"

Setup on UR3e teaching panel

Now, it is necessary to add external control to program in the teaching panel of UR robot. The external control is possible by installing URCap to teaching panel, externalcontrol-1.0.5.urcap. To start it, you need to add external control to program tree in the teaching panel and run it. Then, you can control the robot arm with MoveIt.


To connect the gripper to PC, it is also necessary to install URCap to UR3e teaching panel, rs485-1.0.urcap. Note: after installing rs485-1.0.urcap, it is necessary to uninstall the previous Robotiq urcap. This means robotiq can no longer be controlled by the teaching panel. To begin with, map the /dev/ttyTool in UR control box to your PC.
To make sure you have permission to connect from PC,

sudo chmod -R 777 /dev

Then, map /dev/ttyTool to your PC

python ./tool_test.py

Start the service

roslaunch robotiq_2f_gripper_control test_85mm_gripper_new.launch

It can now listen to the command to open or close the gripper. For instance, you can run as an example,

rosrun robotiq_2f_gripper_control robotiq_2f_action_close.py 

MoveIt for UR3e and ROBOTIQ

MoveIt config is generated in ./src/moveit_test
After starting UR3e and ROBOTIQ, run the following command to start move_group

roslaunch moveit_test move_group.launch

Then, you can generate plans and execute them with MoveIt.
For visualization

roslaunch moveit_test moveit_rviz.launch

MoveIt python interface

rosrun moveit_python_interface move.py

UR3e without MoveIt

You can also directly send commands to UR3e without using MoveIt.

rosrun ur_robot_driver test_move

You have several controllers to choose:

Available trajectory controllers:
0 (joint-based): scaled_pos_joint_traj_controller
1 (joint-based): scaled_vel_joint_traj_controller
2 (joint-based): pos_joint_traj_controller
3 (joint-based): vel_joint_traj_controller
4 (joint-based): forward_joint_traj_controller
5 (Cartesian): pose_based_cartesian_traj_controller
6 (Cartesian): joint_based_cartesian_traj_controller
7 (Cartesian): forward_cartesian_traj_controller
Please choose a controller by entering its number (Enter '0' if you are unsure / don't care): 0

Note that in ur3e_bringup.launch, scaled_pos_joint_traj_controller is started by default.

Trouble Shooting

Problem 1

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1:
  Parse error.  Expected a command name, got unquoted argument with text

Delete the CMakeList in src.