- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
cast to a map/struct
#45 opened by uhoreg - 1
define type as a cast
#46 opened by uhoreg - 3
schema(atomize: true) doesn't accept atoms
#52 opened by ndan - 1
- 2
In Realease, ProtocolUndefinedError for Drops.Type.Validator and Drops.Types.Primitive
#54 opened by djcoin - 1
Update version in Readme
#53 opened by atlas-jedi - 5
JSON schema
#47 opened by torepettersen - 2
Enum support
#51 opened by torepettersen - 1
How to define a filled list of strings
#50 opened by ndan - 1
- 1
Module free schema
#48 opened by junaid1460 - 5
validate types/schemas inside other schemas?
#44 opened by jtippett - 2
How to handle "numbers"
#33 opened by kwando - 3
Union data type
#37 opened by ilyabayel - 0
Support for configurable error messages via i18n
#15 opened by solnic - 0
Support for Date coercions
#11 opened by solnic - 0
Support for Time coercions
#12 opened by solnic - 3
- 1
Support for custom types
#9 opened by solnic - 1
- 0
- 0
Support for DateTime coercions
#10 opened by solnic - 0
Support for remaining predicates
#14 opened by solnic - 0
Support for lists
#13 opened by solnic - 0
Support multiple types
#17 opened by solnic - 0
Data generator
#7 opened by solnic