
Helpers for xamarin forms

Primary LanguageC#



First Step

a. Import namespace in Xaml xmlns:converters="clr-namespace:XmartCreditMobileApp.Converters"

b. Add a key in ContentPage Resources

        <converters:IsNegatedValueConverter x:Key="NegateBool" />    
        <converters:IsValueNotMatchedConverter x:Key="IsValueNotMatchedConverter" />


Returns true if value of referenced binding property is false and vice-versa.

Used in scenarios such as

  1. If you have to show some content while a property is set to true and show another view while same property is false. In such scenario, instead of creating two different bindable properties, create a single bindable property and use this converter

<ImageButton IsEnabled="{Binding IsBusy,Converter={StaticResource NegateBool},ConverterParameter={Binding IsBusy}}"/>


Returns true if a string value matches with another comparable value

Used in scenarios such as

  1. Show a bindable object if value of a binding property/static field matches with another binding property/static field value.


Returns true if a string value doesnot doesnot match with another comparable value

Used in scenario such as

  1. Show a bindable object if value of a binding property/static field doesnot match another binding property/static field value.


     <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource IsValueNotMatchedConverter}">
        <Binding Path="string_binding_field_1" />
        <Binding Path="string_binding_field_2" />