
A collection of Solo.io demo environments driven by GitOps using the ArgoCD app-of-apps pattern.

Primary LanguageShell


This repo serves as a collection of Solo.io demo environments driven by GitOps using the ArgoCD app-of-apps pattern.

Demo Video Link

Youtube Video Demonstration


Exporting your license key

For environments that require an Enterprise product license, export your license key with the commands below


Renaming Cluster Context

If your local clusters have a different context name, you will want to have it match the expected context name(s) (mgmt,cluster1,cluster2). IE for the mgmt cluster

kubectl config rename-context k3d-your_mgmt_cluster_name mgmt

To deploy

./aoa-tools/deploy.sh deploy -f <environment directory>

Installer options

Syntax: installer [-f|-i|-h]

deploy     deploys an environment with the specified path
destroy    destroys an environment with the specified path

-f     path to environment files
-i     install infra
-h     print help

additional flags:
--skip-argo  skip argo installation

Notes on flag options:

  • If -i is used, the installer will check for a folder named .infra in the environment directory and will install the infra before running the script. This currently only supports k3d for local deployments


The catalog.yaml exists in each demo environment directory which provides a list of app-of-apps "waves" to be deployed in order by the installer. A wave consists of the location (relative to the root path of the selected environment) as well as pre_deploy and post_deploy scripts which can be optionally run which can be useful for tasks such as health checks, or waiting for pods to be ready or printing output.

Example sequence of events:

(Wave 1)
pre_deploy scripts > deploy app-of-app > post_deploy scripts
(Wave 2)
pre_deploy scripts > deploy app-of-app > post_deploy scripts

Cloud Loadbalancer Discovery (alpha)

Note: This is only available on select gloo-gateway environments, but more will be added over time

Configuring the catalog.yaml to use the homer app lb-discovery overlay is useful in Cloud environments where wildcard hosts are used so that the homer dashboard links reflect the LB hostname or IP.

  • Valid for: core, onlineboutique, progressive-delivery-argo-rollouts, and solowallet
  • Environments where Ext Auth capabilities are demonstrated cannot also have homer-app lb-discovery due to IDP callback URLs. Use glootest.com overlay instead which uses a stable hostname. This applies to gloo-gateway/bookinfo, gloo-gateway/httpbin, and gloo-gateway/int-ext-portal.

An example catalog.yaml below shows an example where the default localhost homer-app commented out and the lb-discovery homer-app uncommented. The homer dashboard configuration is managed by the pre_deploy init script where the $LB_ADDRESS is discovered and injected

  # Uncomment to use localhost for link dashboard (k3d)
  #- name: homer-app
  #  location: $env_path/homer-app/localhost
  #  scripts:
  #    pre_deploy: 
  #    -  $env_path/homer-app/localhost/init.sh
  #    post_deploy:
  #    -  $env_path/homer-app/localhost/test.sh 
  # Uncomment to use LB Discovery for link dashboard (Cloud)
  - name: homer-app
    location: $env_path/homer-app/lb-discovery
      -  $env_path/homer-app/lb-discovery/init.sh
      -  $env_path/homer-app/lb-discovery/test.sh 


The vars.env exists in each demo environment directory with a few variables used in the installation such as inputting license keys, defining cluster contexts, and configuring app sync behavior. The installer will use any passed in flags and attempt to discover all of the necessary variables in the pre-check. Please verify the output before continuing.


When parent_app_sync="false" the installer will disable ArgoCD autosync and prune features. This is particularly useful for development so manual changes using kubectl are not re-synced by ArgoCD.

k3d loadbalancer port mapping

K3d allows for exposing ports via docker and servicelb in local deployments. This provides local access to services with type: LoadBalancer in the browser at localhost:<port>. The k3d cluster config examples provided in the .infra folder are configured with the following mappings

  • mgmt cluster port 80:80 and 443:443
  • cluster1 cluster port 8080:80 and 8443:443
  • cluster2 cluster port 8081:80 and 8444:443

using a private repo

ArgoCD makes it pretty easy to connect to a private repo. Prior to running the installer, provide the private repo and your github access token as a Kubernetes secret in the argocd namespace

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: first-repo
  namespace: argocd
    argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type: repository
  type: git
  url: https://github.com/solo-io/aoa-lib-private
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: private-repo-creds
  namespace: argocd
    argocd.argoproj.io/secret-type: repo-creds
  type: git
  url: https://github.com/solo-io
  # personal access token
  password: <access_token>
  username: solo-io