
NPM package to verify conversion of NFT from xls14d standard to xls20d. You can use this package or perform the verification manually using this (guide)[]

How to use sologenic-nft-conversion-verifier

Install the package to your local project

npm i sologenic-nft-conversion-verifier

Download the public key from sologenic

Public key is available (here)[]

Copy it and save into a file pubkey.pem

Use the library to verify the conversion

Import the library in your project const { verifyConversion } = require('sologenic-nft-conversion-verifier');

Call the function to do the verification

verifyConversion(*tokenID*, *path_to_public_key_file*,*xrpl_node_url*);

This function takes as parameters:

  • tokenID - id of NFT found on ledger
  • path_to_public_key_file - path to the file that was saved in previous step
  • xrpl_node_url - url to xrpl node ("wss://" for mainnet)


const main = async () => {
    var res = await verifyConversion('00080000F64EFF6B5C1CD8BCD60B1A8736DE722E6BF2CF1516E55FA300000001', './pubkey.pem','wss://');  // ! the node url here is devnet !
