
Implemented the ElGamal Encryption System.

Primary LanguagePython

Course Project for Introduction to Information Security

Author: Soloice, 12/12/2014

This project aims to focus on ElGamal Encryption System.

  • We are able to simulate both encryption and decryption procedure with given or randomly generated keys.
  • In addition, we implemented 3 kinds of crack methods, which are:
    • Shanks' baby-step-giant-step Algorithm
    • Pollard-Rho Algorithm
    • Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm

Here are some instructions for all program files:

  • ntbasic.py: Basic functions for Number Theory, such as Miller-Rabin Primality Test.
  • elgamal.py: Implements of ElGamal encryption and decryption, and ElGamal key cracker(Discrete Logarithm Problem Solver).
  • demo.py: You may want to run this file to make out all things we can do.
  • leveltest.py: Test file for crack algorithms for different difficulty level.
  • cracktest.py: This file contains a timer to record the performance of 3 crack methods implemented.

Note: all codes are written in Python.

Run as:

  • python demo.py
  • python leveltest.py
  • python cracktest.py