Implemented SVM in Python. In particular, the SMO algorithm is implemented.
- 0215ArthurAnytime AI
- BairenChenSouth China University of Technology
- borgwangShenzhen, China
- DerryD
- driftgrips13
- felixyustianNomi, Ishikawa, Japan
- gongyudong
- gzhGit
- haitian1221
- Hongxing2020
- ieee820Hua Data Technology Co.,Ltd
- ivorytanProvidence
- JimmyCollinsCork, Ireland
- jmoraes7
- joahannesFederal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)
- jueqingsizhe66NCEPU
- legned
- LionTao
- lzs1234
- matheus-frota@datascience-ufc
- Mengjielf
- nishi1612Microsoft
- paradm
- pisceskkkInstitute of Computing Technology, CAS
- Ryan0v0University of Cambridge
- samkissme
- shawonmr-zzHouston, TX, USA
- sichun1464
- siegfriedgregDurham, North Carolina
- ukac
- wangqiccBeijing,China
- Yang-Sun-bit
- Yaxin1996Z
- yuboonaNUDT Master | CUG Bachelor
- yuqiii-wang
- zdgithubNorthwestern Polytechnical University