- Mobile iOS app written by Swift language what you can run on iPhone or iPad.
- In app need authorisation with email and password or with Google account.
- App work with data on Google Firebase platform: https://firebase.google.com .
- Users can work only with notes that he create.
- With this app you can easy to create and save your text note.
- Also, you can to search, filter or delete your note.
- App work online and offline.
- Clone / download this repository.
- change the bundle identifier in project settings.
- run the app.
- requires xcode 11.0 +
- UIKit, CoreData, AuthenticationServices Framework
- Firebase, GoogleSignIn, GoogleMobileAds, AppTrackingTransparency.
- Custom Modifiers
Copyright 2020 Oleksandr Solokha.
Licensed under MIT License: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT