
Asynchronous Twitter client compatible with mpyw/co Generator-based flows.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

cowitter Build Status Code Coverage Scrutinizer Code Quality

Asynchronous Twitter client compatible with mpyw/co Generator-based flows.

PHP Feature Restriction
7.0~ 😄 Full Support
5.5~5.6 😧 Generator is not so cool
~5.4 💥 Incompatible


composer require mpyw/cowitter:^1.0


  1. Preparation
  2. Example: Application for your own personal use
  3. Example: Sign in with Twitter
  4. Example: Commandline streaming readers
  5. Example: Account activity webhook setup and usage

Quick examples

Prepare requirements

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use mpyw\Co\Co;
use mpyw\Co\CURLException;
use mpyw\Cowitter\Client;
use mpyw\Cowitter\HttpException;

Create client

$client = new Client(['CK', 'CS', 'AT', 'ATS']);

Synchronous requests

// Search tweets
$statuses = $client->get('search/tweets', ['q' => 'cowitter'])->statuses;
// Update tweet
$client->post('statuses/update', ['status' => 'Cowitter is the best twitter library for PHP!']);
// Send direct message with new API
$params = [
            'event' => [
                'type' => 'message_create',
                'message_create' => [
                    'target' => [
                        'recipient_id' => 'RECIPIENT_USER_ID'
                    'message_data' => [
                        'text' => 'Hello World!',

// Post as json
$client->postJson('direct_messages/events/new ', $params);
// Update tweet with multiple images
$ids = [
    $client->postMultipart('media/upload', ['media' => new \CURLFile('photo01.png')])->media_id_string,
    $client->postMultipart('media/upload', ['media' => new \CURLFile('photo02.jpg')])->media_id_string,
$client->post('statuses/update', [
    'status' => 'My photos',
    'media_ids' => implode(',', $ids),
// Listen user streaming
$client->streaming('user', function ($status) {
    if (!isset($status->text)) return;
    printf("%s(@%s) - %s\n",
        htmlspecialchars_decode($status->text, ENT_NOQUOTES)

Asynchronous requests

// Search tweets
Co::wait(function () use ($client) {
    $statuses = (yield $client->getAsync('search/tweets', ['q' => 'cowitter']))->statuses;
// Rapidly update tweets for 10 times
$tasks = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; ++$i) {
    $tasks[] = $client->postAsync('statuses/update', [
        'status' => str_repeat('!', $i + 1),
// Rapidly update tweet with multiple images
Co::wait(function () use ($client) {
    $info = yield [
        $client->postMultipartAsync('media/upload', ['media' => new \CURLFile('photo01.png')]),
        $client->postMultipartAsync('media/upload', ['media' => new \CURLFile('photo02.png')]),
    yield $client->postAsync('statuses/update', [
        'status' => 'My photos',
        'media_ids' => implode(',', array_column($info, 'media_id_string')),
// Listen filtered streaming to favorite/retweet at once each tweet
Co::wait($client->streamingAsync('statuses/filter', function ($status) use ($client) {
    if (!isset($status->text)) return;
    printf("%s(@s) - %s\n",
        htmlspecialchars_decode($status->text, ENT_NOQUOTES)
    yield Co::SAFE => [ // ignore errors
        $client->postAsync('favorites/create', ['id' => $status->id_str]),
}, ['track' => 'PHP']));
// Rapidly update with MP4 video
Co::wait(function () use ($client) {
    $file = new \SplFileObject('video.mp4', 'rb');
    $on_uploading = function ($percent) {
        echo "Uploading ... ({$percent}%)\n";
    $on_processing = function ($percent) {
        echo "Processing ... ({$percent}%)\n";
    yield $client->postAsync('statuses/update', [
        'status' => 'My video',
        'media_ids' => (yield $client->uploadVideoAsync($file, $on_uploading, $on_processing))->media_id_string,
    echo "Done\n";

Handle exceptions

try {

    // do stuff here

} catch (HttpException $e) {

    // cURL communication successful but something went wrong with Twitter APIs.
    $message = $e->getMessage();    // Message
    $code    = $e->getCode();       // Error code (-1 if not available)
    $status  = $e->getStatusCode(); // HTTP status code

} catch (CURLException $e) {

    // cURL communication failed.
    $message = $e->getMessage();    // Message    (equivalent to curl_error())
    $code    = $e->getCode();       // Error code (equivalent to curl_errno())



try {

    // do stuff here

} catch (\RuntimeException $e) {

    // Something failed.
    $message = $e->getMessage();


Avoiding SSL errors due to the old libcurl version

If you encountered SSL certificate problem error...

  1. Download the latest cacert.pem from official libcurl site.
  2. Please choose either of the following solutions.

2-A: Configure globally

Specify the path as curl.cainfo in your php.ini.


DO NOT forget restarting Apache.

2-B: Configure locally

Specify the path as CURLOPT_CAINFO. Using the magic constant __DIR__ is recommended.

$client = new Client(['CK', 'CS', 'AT', 'ATS'], [CURLOPT_CAINFO => __DIR__ . '/cacert.pem']);


$client = new Client(['CK', 'CS', 'AT', 'ATS']);
$client = $client->withOptions([CURLOPT_CAINFO => __DIR__ . '/cacert.pem']);


Read interfaces.


  • Documentation
  • Improving codes