
A category polymorphic `Functor` typeclass.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Kindly Functors


nix:build cabal:build

A category polymorphic Functor typeclass based on the work of IcelandJack and Ed Kmett allowing you to pick out arbitrary kinds and variances for your functors.

This library offers direct access to the FunctorOf and Functor classes defined in the above work but also a slightly more familiar API for one, two, and three parameter functors.

High Level Interface

fmap, bimap, lmap, and rmap have been made polymorphic over variances:

> fmap show (Identity True)
Identity "True"

> getPredicate (fmap (Op read) (Predicate not)) "True"

> lmap show (True, False)

> lmap (Op read) not "True"

> rmap show (True, False)

> bimap show read (Left True)
Left "True"

> bimap (read @Int) show ("1", True)

> bimap (Op (read @Int)) show (+1) "0"

> trimap show show show (True, False, ())

Lower Level Interface

The above functions are all just aliases for the MapArg1, MapArg2, and MapArg3 interfaces:

-- NOTE: These these classes are labeled from right to left:

class (FunctorOf cat1 (->) p) => MapArg1 cat1 p | p -> cat1 where
  map1 :: (a `cat1` b) -> p a -> p b
  map1 = map

class (FunctorOf cat1 (cat2 ~> (->)) p, forall x. MapArg1 cat2 (p x)) => MapArg2 cat1 cat2 p | p -> cat2 cat2 where
  map2 :: (a `cat1` b) -> forall x. p a x -> p b x
  map2 = runNat . map

class (FunctorOf cat1 (cat2 ~> cat3 ~> (->)) p, forall x. MapArg2 cat2 cat3 (p x)) => MapArg3 cat1 cat2 cat3 p | p -> cat1 cat2 cat3 where
  map3 :: (a `cat1` b) -> forall x y. p a x y -> p b x y
  map3 f = runNat (runNat (map f))

type Functor :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
type Functor cat p = (MapArg1 cat p)

type Bifunctor :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
type Bifunctor cat1 cat2 p = (MapArg2 cat1 cat2 p, forall x. MapArg1 cat2 (p x))

type Trifunctor :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) -> Constraint
type Trifunctor cat1 cat2 cat3 p = (MapArg3 cat3 cat2 cat1 p, forall x. MapArg2 cat2 cat1 (p x), forall x y. MapArg1 cat1 (p x y))

map1, map2, and map3 can be used directly:

> map1 show (True, False, ())

> map1 show (Left True)
Left True

> map2 show (True, False, ())

> map3 show (True, False, ())

But be careful when using these directly as GHC might pick out a surprising instance:

> map2 show (Left True)
Left "True"

How does this actually work?

MapArg1, MapArg2, and MapArg3 are in fact just a frontend for yet another class called CategoricalFunctor:

type CategoricalFunctor :: (from -> to) -> Constraint
class (Category (Dom f), Category (Cod f)) => CategoricalFunctor (f :: from -> to) where
  type Dom f :: from -> from -> Type
  type Cod f :: to -> to -> Type

  map :: Dom f a b -> Cod f (f a) (f b)

This class describes a Functor just like the ordinary base Functor class but with the key difference that it is polymorphic over the source and target categories of the functor.

Dom f (domain) is the source category and Cod f (co-domain) is the target category.

This means that you can instantiate CategoricalFunctor with Covariant (->), Contravariant (Op), Invariant (via Iso), Kleisli, or any product of the above by using a functor category (via ~>).

A helpful tool for working with CategoricalFunctor is the FunctorOf class:

type FunctorOf :: Cat from -> Cat to -> (from -> to) -> Constraint
class (CategoricalFunctor f, dom ~ Dom f, cod ~ Cod f) => FunctorOf dom cod f

instance (CategoricalFunctor f, dom ~ Dom f, cod ~ Cod f) => FunctorOf dom cod f

FunctorOf gives an easy way of aliasing CategoricalFunctor instances which target specific categories and parameters. We use FunctorOf to implement the outer MapArg* interface.

type Functor f = FunctorOf (->) (->)
type Contravariant f = FunctorOf Op (->)
type Invariant f = FunctorOf (<->) (->)
type Filterable f = FunctorOf (Star Maybe) (->)
type Bifunctor p = FunctorOf (->) (Nat (->) (->))
type Profunctor p = FunctorOf Op (Nat (->) (->))
type Trifunctor p = FunctorOf cat1 (Nat cat2 (Nat cat3 cat4))

In the case of Functors kinds greater then Type -> Type the above aliases are a little deceptive.

For example, to replace the typeclass we all know as Bifunctor one would need both the Functor f and Bifunctor f aliases from the above list. This is because each of these aliases picks out a specific single parameter and sets its variance.

The MapArg* classes and higher level interface was built to smooth over this issue at the cost of less granular control.