Getting Started

  1. Clone or download Repo
  2. From the root dir, run npm install
  3. From the root dir, run npm start
  4. Enjoy

About the Game

This is a simple game where the player can test their memory by flipping cards two at a time until they find a pair.

The game continues until until either the player gives up under immense frustration, or the play successfully finds every pair.

My Implementation

Currently the implementation is basic. No timer, no score tracking, or anything like that. I built the initial version in 2 hours, entirely from scratch except for a randomizing/sorting algorithm that I grabbed from StackOverflow. I linked to that forum in the comments.




Gameplay GamePlay

Winning a Game GameWin

To Do

I plan on completing the to-do list below. If there are items that are marked off than they have been completed.

  • Add Timer
  • Add Styling
  • Add Config for game (total cards, time-out, etc)
  • Build Start Screen and End Screen