Spotify Edginess
A program that gets data on your top artists on spotify, and uses there popularity data to decide how edgy your music is. It also includes a file from another project which authenticates the user for the required scope to be able to see there top artists
How does it work?
It uses the spotipy libary to authenticate the user for the "user-top-read" scope, which allows the program to request the users top artists from spotfiy It then gets the data on how popular these artists are from spotfiy (from a scale of 0-100) and determines and average from this, aswell as outputting the users top 5 most and least popular artists
How to get it working?
You will need to create an application from the spotify developer dasboard -
Once you have created an application you need to add a redirect adress, this can be anything, but spotipy will automaticaly get the credentials if you redirect to a local host
The application you have created will have a clinet_id and client secret which you will need to add into a text file in the same directoy as this code in the following format
client_id =111111111111111
client_secret =11111111111111111111
dev_username =my-username (this is the username for the account you used to sign into the developer dasboard)
You then have to run the top_artists script, which will ask you to long into your account.